help fix little nutrient burn?


Well-Known Member
So last grow I had Some nutirent defiencey going into bloom. I wanna try and avoid that this grow. I'm still a noob and on my 3rd grow. I'm using fox farm soil and starting to get little nutirent burn. I'm feeding 188ppm at 6.5 ph and the tips of my plant just started to burn a little. I just wanna make sure I'm doing shit the right way and wanted to get some advice on how to correct it. Would I feed little less next feed or not feed nutirents for couple days just water to get some of the nutirents out?

Just started to nutirent burn a little


Well-Known Member
The soil should have enough in it to carry ya thru veg IMO, nutes @ flower... start low til its got some bulk.... how fast it drinks should help gauge how strong the drink should be... more developed root balls drink more :)

I switched to DWC to avoid this, maybe in summer Ill give an org-soil grow a try, but... meh... EC is simpler to deal with, lol