Help, first time issue

cheeba man

Active Member
ok ok, so i finally made the decision to try to grow a plant, hopefully it will turn out a nice mature female, but you never know...

so i got a few seeds from a friend and started one, the others will be grown after i feel comfortable (i live with my parents)

i started the paper towel in baggie thing and that worked, now i put the littel sprout in a plastic cup with some soil i found in the garage and have it under a normal light bulb (i have NO money whatsoever and i gotta save up for a flourescent bulb) and have it under the light for about a week without any bad problems..

the first 2 leaves are grown, with the next 2 coming in small

i water it every other day with poland spring water and have discovered today that the leaves are getting a smidge of brown on the outside and tip of the 2 big leaves...

is this a ph, or lighting issue? or should i just wait it out...

i'm gonna find a camera so i can snap some pics

i was planning on moving it to a big pot once it got too big for my room and putting it outside, but i'm not sure yet

any help is appriciated,



Well-Known Member
The regular light is prolly fucking it up.
Go out today and buy some CFL'S...if u can spare atleast 10 bucks

cheeba man

Active Member
thanks, that what i thought it was

i just found a $5 in the laundry room in addition to the $4 i got, so one more and off to home depot i go!

haha i need a fucking job