HELP!! First time grower

171B9A39-08A3-4428-BF36-DA5D55C8A0D8.jpeg Can I get some feed back on these please! They are in jiffy pots with the jiffy soil. I have them in a grow tent. They are under 18/6 light. I try to water when they seem dry. I also will do a light mist. Temp stays around 74-76 with about 44% humidity during light time and about 65-68 during dark time. I’m worried I’m loosing the little one on the bottom left corner. I’m having the hardest time getting a watering scheduling without fear of overwatering! Any feedback is appreciated! They were planted in soil on 3/27 so just a little over a week ago!


Well-Known Member
Most of them look pretty good, the closest to the left is a little sad looking and with how thin the stem is it may be dampening off. Your lights off temps are a little low, you could run your lights 24/7 now which will keep your temps more stable. You may also want to put something to use as a humidity dome over them, at this stage a higher humidity will definitely help. I have never used the jiffy pots but I still have some trouble getting watering down. I will say it seems to be better to let them dry out rather then to water too much. Seedlings I can usually go 3-5+ days between watering, at 3-5 weeks old it usually goes 2-3 days and depending on the size of the final pot it goes to 1-3 days especially during flower. Hopefully this helps some and someone who has used jiffy pots/soil can help out with the watering part. The last piece of advice that I can offer is that it is usually better to step back a bit and just let your plants do there thing. My first grow I was always trying to find something to do with the plants and it always made things worse or created new problems. My second grow I took a more hands off approach and it paid dividends. Best of luck to you!
Most of them look pretty good, the closest to the left is a little sad looking and with how thin the stem is it may be dampening off. Your lights off temps are a little low, you could run your lights 24/7 now which will keep your temps more stable. You may also want to put something to use as a humidity dome over them, at this stage a higher humidity will definitely help. I have never used the jiffy pots but I still have some trouble getting watering down. I will say it seems to be better to let them dry out rather then to water too much. Seedlings I can usually go 3-5+ days between watering, at 3-5 weeks old it usually goes 2-3 days and depending on the size of the final pot it goes to 1-3 days especially during flower. Hopefully this helps some and someone who has used jiffy pots/soil can help out with the watering part. The last piece of advice that I can offer is that it is usually better to step back a bit and just let your plants do there thing. My first grow I was always trying to find something to do with the plants and it always made things worse or created new problems. My second grow I took a more hands off approach and it paid dividends. Best of luck to you!
Thank you! It just seems they always would dry up so quickly. I did replant them so they wouldn’t dry so quickly. I do think my smaller one may be to far gone. I think I freaked out about overwatering but it was actually drying out


Well-Known Member
Think you maybe over watering? I thought it was just a misting at this point? I’m new to the game though so I could be wrong... I’m on my first grow and hardly gave any water at all for the first couple of weeks. Mine were strong throughout. I could be wrong And lucky though. I’m sure some more experienced growers can confirm my theory or enlighten me. Good luck