HELP. First time grow having slight issues or serious not sure.

20130323_163405.jpg20130323_163423.jpg20130323_163415.jpgBasic set up, I have an air cooled 600W HPS inside a 4 x 4 x 6 1/2 foot grow tent. My plant is about 19 in. and is bubba kush
The leaves have become very dark green, also they have began to droop not insanely drooping but enough to raise some concern.
Finally my largest concern is that there are small little yellow spots on my plant they are not everywhere but enough

Since I have had the tent I have had Huge cooling issues I am in Southern-California. my tents high has been 97 which is horrendous
but I bought a small airblower and put it right up on the vent so hopefully this helps. Could the above issues be a result of the over heating?
also any suggestions to get it way cooler with more consolidation? the blower seems to be working well keeping it between 78 and 84 but in case it does not stay here
a couple of good suggestions would be nice I will post pictures after they arrive in my email thanks you for your time and I appreciate any help
thank you again.


Well-Known Member
Another way to upload pics is to upload them to photobucket through their mobile interface, then link directly from there, if you wanted to. Soil or hydro? What's your pH sitting at?


Well-Known Member
Also what CFM fan are you using on your 600w air cooled hood?

What are the temps in the room your tent is located in?

Are you exhausting your tent straight into the room where the tent is located?



Well-Known Member
The main problem you could be experiencing is Nitrogen toxicity.

Due to elevated temperatures plants don't need heavy nutes.



Well-Known Member
The main problem you could be experiencing is Nitrogen toxicity.

Due to elevated temperatures plants don't need heavy nutes.

Good eye, figured the drooping may have been due to over-watering initially.. but was also wondering about the spots, indicative of a few other things too.. playing connect the dots is evil without pics.. lol


Well-Known Member
Good eye, figured the drooping may have been due to over-watering initially.. but was also wondering about the spots, indicative of a few other things too.. playing connect the dots is evil without pics.. lol
IMO its best to have a couple of knowledgeable guys in a thread to throw out possibilities.



Well-Known Member
The reason I thought mass pH flux was this, which fits similar spot description:

At that point, if it matches.. it's salt buildup, pH issue, or extremely hot nutes that could have been spiked.. were locked, and when pH floated back down they hit... just my .02 - we'll see if these spots come close to the spots that are being seen though.


Well-Known Member
Ok after those pictures I see a couple of possibilities.

Slight N tox starting but not full blown.

I see possible over watering. Well called Fig.

Possible pest problem.

Added to your heat problem which will probably mean a low RH problem too.

How often are you giving them nutrients?

What kind of soil are you using? Looks quite light for a nute rich soil. It actually resembles coco.

Give us as much info as you can provide.

I will tone it down on the nutes see if that helps I just got the pics up.
right now im not sure what the CFM is on the fan that is cooling my light I got it from amazon by default it is just a simple 4'
but the blow fan I bought is 350 CFM and I have it sitting just outside the grow tent on one venter so it doesnt destroy my plant.
the tent is being exusted out of the window and the room it is in stays generally around 75 degrees


It definitely looks like nitrogen toxicity, and the spots look like nute burns from splashing when watering. JMHO I would cut back on the nutrients when watering until they perk back up.
I think it is the nute problem
I water and give nutrients more often then I probably should
what is the best course of action for to much nitrogen?
I checked for pest and there were none and i was very thorough
my soil is shitty I have miracle grow ( just got the cannabis growers bible) so I am learning more about the beginning process
when I started I just bought basic gardening supplies this is a test strain before I put up four clones of gods gift

could the yellow spot also be the Nitrogen tox or is that another issue?

also before the tent the plant had no spots the tent was brought a few days ago with the 600W HPS
prior to that my baby was under nothing more than a T10 light from home depot. yet... had no yellow spots


Well-Known Member
I think it is the nute problem
I water and give nutrients more often then I probably should
what is the best course of action for to much nitrogen?
I checked for pest and there were none and i was very thorough
my soil is shitty I have miracle grow ( just got the cannabis growers bible) so I am learning more about the beginning process
when I started I just bought basic gardening supplies this is a test strain before I put up four clones of gods gift

could the yellow spot also be the Nitrogen tox or is that another issue?

also before the tent the plant had no spots the tent was brought a few days ago with the 600W HPS
prior to that my baby was under nothing more than a T10 light from home depot. yet... had no yellow spots
ACK, ok... cut off the water for a few days - Miracle Grow has time release nutes.. every time you water, it throws more nutes in. If you're putting more nutes in on top of that, that'd easily explain the N-tox.


Well-Known Member
Definitely appears to be N tox. The hooking in the first pics are dad giveaways but you would have gotten a faster answer if you took
pictures under normal light as leaves are usually darker and glossier when there is too much N.

View attachment 2582963

It's not one of the more obvious cases where someone feeds a massive amount and all the leaves are hooking within 24 hours
Thanks a lot for the expedient and extremely helpful responses.

Although I am still quite curious about the yellow spotting I do not think it is nute splash because in the past it just left a slight powdery residue that just wiped off


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for the expedient and extremely helpful responses.

Although I am still quite curious about the yellow spotting I do not think it is nute splash because in the past it just left a slight powdery residue that just wiped off
Would probably be a lockout of some sort due to the over abundance of nitrogen.

You don't need to worry about these little things when the cause and solution are obvious.


Well-Known Member
Would probably be a lockout of some sort due to the over abundance of nitrogen.
N tox doesn't lock out anything, but it will definitely cause issues in terms of vascular tissue that's restricting the uptake of water.. and as a nasty side effect of that, you'll also get drastically reduced stress resistance.


Well-Known Member
God this site is fucky today.

N tox doesn't lock out anything, but it will definitely cause issues in terms of vascular tissue that's restricting the uptake of water.. and as a nasty side effect of that, you'll also get drastically reduced stress resistance.
Very good information. Where did you find this info?

But yea like i said, i don't worry about these little things when they stem from an obvious cause.