Help! First grow shenanigans!

Hello people,
first time grower, currently growing 3 feminized seeds (Royal Queen Seeds - Special Kush #1) under 2 85w 6400k and 1 250w 2400k CFL lights at the moment. Medium = Coco coir with perlite. Light cycle = 24hr. PHing around 6.0. Also using calmag aswell as nutes and schedule pictured. These are around 7 weeks old.

I've had a few problems with these but they seemed to be doing alright until some lower leaves started yellowing a couple of days ago. Now they are dying.

Any advice would be appreciated. I hope I can save them.




Well-Known Member
More info, what's your nite schedule, looks like over water and nutrient problems refer to sick plant chart, you have spots on your leaves as well.

big bud 56

Active Member
Never feed them the recommended dose of nutes,always go leaner then what they say.
You aren't going to speed things up by over watering or over feeding them.