help find the best bud that i have ever tried!!


Active Member
I am new to roll it up so hello friends.I was going to the (yellow house) on la brea ave. in hollywood but they got raided about 4 years ago.They had a strain called DANKOUVER..I KNOW ITS A SATIVA.I have never tried such a tasty herb ever!!! and i have tried og.kush< bubba kush< master kush.etc..dankouver beats them all!!

It has a really sweet skunky wierd taste that lingers on your tounge.the most exotic taste you will ever try.It was coated with white dust...looked like was trichromes(crystals)..

Anywase if anybody has tried dankouver please let me know whare i can find some clones or seeds or a club in l.a that has it. it is the best for depression ands a.d.h.d


Active Member
It may just be that.It may not be that...I will most likely score some island sweet skunk..thats my new quest.

I wonder if it is?? I tried to google dankouver and thares a few posts of people growing it from (smokin seeds)

i cannot find smokin seeds..(spelled like that yes) when you google dankouver thares a dutch web site with wording saying dankouver sativa.I clicked the site but i was unable to find a link to seeds of dankouver.

Thanks know i must go and see about getting. I.S.S


Active Member
Ok after doing research its not I.S.S well the search continues come on people help find dankouver:hump:

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Never heard of it man...mind you theres loads mentioned all the time on here which mean jack shit to me...even stuff from well-known seedbanks lol


Dankouver WOW Here's a story for you. Back in 2005 i ran into an old buddy of mine who had some pure white BUD and i ask what kind is this and he said Dankouver "never heard of it" . as we started to cut it up a seed popped out, he told me these seeds sell for $50.00 bucks that shit was the badest smoke i ever toke and that aint no joke taste just like you described. sense then i went to prison and lost all my stuff, I searched everywhere for that strain, seeds, or smoke but i was spelling it wrong. and today i came across your post wow mind blowing...
So did you ever find that strain?


Dankouver WOW Here's a story for you. Back in 2005 i ran into an old buddy of mine who had some pure white BUD and i ask what kind is this and he said Dankouver "never heard of it" . as we started to cut it up a seed popped out, he told me these seeds sell for $50.00 bucks that shit was the badest smoke i ever toke and that aint no joke taste just like you described. sense then i went to prison and lost all my stuff, I searched everywhere for that strain, seeds, or smoke but i was spelling it wrong. and today i came across your post wow mind blowing...
So do you have that strain?