Help figure out what happened.

so about 3-4 years ago when i was in highschool, i did shrooms at school(dont tell me how stupid it is, i know)
anyways i was having a mild shroom buzz with some nice warming visuals. next thing you know, i am munching on my mushrooms,not thinking its gonna get me more fucked up(i had about a quarter of mushrooms. i got up to go to another class and i started to feel dizzy and nautious, i was sitting and my friend asks if i was okay, i said "kinda" and then she was like "DUDE YOURE TURNING PURPLE"
i look at my skin and i was, i was purple, i dont know what happened but when you press on my body my skin would go white kinda when you do on your body anyways. i ran to the bathroom tried to puke, and my gag reflex was gone, it wasnt working i freaked out i didnt know if should call an ambulance or not. i call my friend and he said i might have been poisoned. i go find a tree sit next to it and think this whole situation through and i felt that bad feeling just leave my body after i sat next to the tree, and my skin became a very pale flushed color after, i just want to know what the fuck happened.


Active Member
friend ive done shrooms with many people in many different people and i can safely say i have never seen or heard of that happening.!what kind of mushies did you take?was your friend on them to?


Well-Known Member
im an EMT and to my knowledge your skin turning purple would indicate blood being pushed to surface. it could have had something to do with your blood pressure. not good.

have you done shrooms again since then?


Well-Known Member
Yeah im wondering the same florida..I just thought his body was getting freezing..My friend in my welding shop always had purple hands that tunrs white when you touch them lol..poor circulation is what I thoguht.
never do shrooms indoors especially wen u have to stay indoors.
friend ive done shrooms with many people in many different people and i can safely say i have never seen or heard of that happening.!what kind of mushies did you take?was your friend on them to?
they were gold caps from san fran, id taken them a couple times before,smooth trip with great visuals. I have taken maybe 7 different types of mushrooms, none had done this. i didnt know who to ask.

im an EMT and to my knowledge your skin turning purple would indicate blood being pushed to surface. it could have had something to do with your blood pressure. not good.

have you done shrooms again since then?
Yes i have. i was actually very paranoid that something would happen. but nothing.
since you're and EMT maybe if i tell you in detail you might have a better idea.
I was sitting down, stood up, maybe a little quick, it felt like i stood up to fast but the head rush didnt go away, it stayed till i sat down. you think since i stood up so quickly it made my blood rush all over?
its very bizarre,
oh and to answer the question no, my friends werent tripping, they were just concerned because i didnt look to well.

I want to know if anyone else on here has even heard of such a scenario.
Yeah im wondering the same florida..I just thought his body was getting freezing..My friend in my welding shop always had purple hands that tunrs white when you touch them lol..poor circulation is what I thoguht.


Well-Known Member
well im no doctor but it sounds like maybe your brain couldent regulate your blood pressure. sounds like the blood that rushed to your head when you got up didnt go back to the right places. maybe it was cause of the shrooms maybe something else. its hard to say. ive never heard of this before.

grow space

Well-Known Member
wow man-weird thing.but when you went under a tree-it healed you.mother nature is the best.
doing some shrooms today.thinking of smoking some bud too.

stay safe bro.....
well im no doctor but it sounds like maybe your brain couldent regulate your blood pressure. sounds like the blood that rushed to your head when you got up didnt go back to the right places. maybe it was cause of the shrooms maybe something else. its hard to say. ive never heard of this before.
My friend assumes i may have poisoned myself a bit too much. but i still dont understand, it was so bizzare.
and i am positive it had to be the mushrooms, i mean i am a pretty healthy young male, in shape, ive never turned purple ever, not from anything.

wow man-weird thing.but when you went under a tree-it healed you.mother nature is the best.
doing some shrooms today.thinking of smoking some bud too.

stay safe bro.....
Thats exactly why i went there, it was almost like the tree called me, it calmed me i was shaking panicing. Wow im surprised no ones heard a thing.


I'm keeping track of this thread..seems pretty interesting. I'd do shrooms but they might be a bit too extreme for me; I've felt like I was gonna die off 'legal' marijuana substitutes before (e.g. Smoke, SMOKE XXX)..etc. So I don't think shrooms would be a good choice for me. But then I'm always fine with actual legitimate weed/hash, so it might just be that the legal shit fucks you up bad.


New Member
so about 3-4 years ago when i was in highschool, i did shrooms at school(dont tell me how stupid it is, i know)
anyways i was having a mild shroom buzz with some nice warming visuals. next thing you know, i am munching on my mushrooms,not thinking its gonna get me more fucked up(i had about a quarter of mushrooms. i got up to go to another class and i started to feel dizzy and nautious, i was sitting and my friend asks if i was okay, i said "kinda" and then she was like "DUDE YOURE TURNING PURPLE"
i look at my skin and i was, i was purple, i dont know what happened but when you press on my body my skin would go white kinda when you do on your body anyways. i ran to the bathroom tried to puke, and my gag reflex was gone, it wasnt working i freaked out i didnt know if should call an ambulance or not. i call my friend and he said i might have been poisoned. i go find a tree sit next to it and think this whole situation through and i felt that bad feeling just leave my body after i sat next to the tree, and my skin became a very pale flushed color after, i just want to know what the fuck happened.

Violet you're turining violet!!!