Help, Fans leaves turning


New Member
This is my First Grow ever
Soil: Fox farm happy frog
Ph: meter says 7.5 ph tester says closer to 7
Which I know is high I'm working it!
Nutrients: Having been using any besides Calmag
Plant age: 2 months? Not sure lost track of time
Problem: Foilage has brown spots around edges and some leaves are crisping and turning this odd grayish color. I cant seem to find anything about this. I've checked for pest daily and I have 0
Even checked with microscope under leaves, by stem, nothing.
I am growing indoor
Temps running around 80-85
Humidity at 45%



If its 2 months old you should start feeding, especially if you are not using large pots. get that PH to around 6.5-6.8. Temp is ok but not higher. Did you already switch to flower or you still vegging?