Help! fan leaves got cut


Well-Known Member
Hello to all, i came home from work today only to discover that all of the fan leaves except the top two sets on all my plants were cut off. The explanation for this from my room mate was that he thought "the lower branches need light so i removed the fan leafs" i explained to him that they need the fan/sun leafs for energy and growth. Will my babes be ok and survive or will this have no effect on them at all?:wall:


Active Member
how old are the plants?

they should be ok but your gona have to give them time to recover and grow back some foliage before you can flower, recon he just made your grow 4 weeks or so longer.


Well-Known Member
as long as u didnt cut all ur fan leafs off u should b ok..might take a while for them to recover but u should b ok..usually if fan leafs block light u trim em a little bit not cut them time just cut 30-50% of the fan leaf off to create better light


Well-Known Member
I cut fan leaves off during my whole grow from start to finish one time as an experiment... Also, I didn't use any nutes, and only watered with tap water... The end product was still very nice. My avitar picture is of the plant I am talking about.

Still though, the plant does need the leaves for best growth, but CAN survive without most of them.

I guess some good advice would be to make it where the leaves aren't in the way by doing LST next time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if your in flowering he just stunted the shit out of the plants.
They will survive, yeah.... it will take about a month (4 weeks) to regrow the lost foilage...... I would reveg the plants under 24/h lighting asap or else your plant will have shitty buds man


Well-Known Member
I think you should cut off you roommates arms and be like my bad I thought your feet needed more light.


Well-Known Member
LOL....some very animated answers in here for sure :lol:

'Never mess with someone else's grow.... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I think you should cut off you roommates arms and be like my bad I thought your feet needed more light.
Thank's for all of your help and advice guys, i'am very disappointed and upset with my roommate but at this point in the game i guess the only choice is to keep it in flowering and make due with the low yeld:sad:


Active Member
Just a word to the wise.

You will be fine. I say just keep at it, but it will be a bit longer. You should probably look into putting lock on your door because I bet your roomie also brings his friends/girls in to show off the grow. With all that, one day you will come in and it will be gone. Who can you call then, the police? What was pot....You cant do that shit, and you will probably not even know who did it, nor will your roomate. I hope that all goes well.


Well-Known Member
ouch, that really hurts. i'd be tempted to switch back to veg if your only 1 week in flower. them fan leaves are very very important.


Well-Known Member
I'll plan on a trip to walmart tonight to grab a lock and he knows better than to bring anyone over, let alone show them my plants but you never know who you can trust these days. I plan on moving out relatively soon than i wont have to face these imbosol issues.


Well-Known Member
If i were to leave it in flowering would my yield be effected greatly or would she pull through with a satisfying yield?


Well-Known Member
its gonna hurt your yield alot. like you said, those leaves are the main and most effecient energy sources of the plant, without them you have ALOT less energy going towards the buds.


Well-Known Member
yeah, its worth it to reveg.... the benefits outweigh the risk for sure.... stickem in 24/h light