HELP!!!!Fan leaves dying and i cant figure out whats wrong...


Well-Known Member
im about 35 days into 12/12 on this grow and i seem to be having a prob with my fan leaves. Some are getting brown spots and r crispy to the touch. Others are kinda getting like a yellowish/light green color, then gettin the spots and drying up. Its been going on like a week. I tried flushing to no avail. I dont know what to do. I know its gonna stunt my yield if i dont fix it soon. This is killing me cause i put in all this work and it seems like its disinegrating right in front of me. Ive tried comparing the leaves to the pics on the plant problem charts and i cant figure this out. Any help? Anybody that this has happened too? Anything guys....Seriously this sucks...Thanks for anything u can come up with...Ganja


New Member
if i didn't just have a similar experience.

not knowing any of the details that jondamon is seeking, it looks alot like high phosphorus (those dark spots) causing zinc lockout (curling up on the edges).

i ran a 250ppm , ph correct, light nute solution in my rez for a week... helped tons.

i'm interested in what others think.


Active Member
That is either a potassium or magnesium deficiency which means you have to much of that specific nutrient in your reservoir or medium. I would get a one part balanced solution to use because your mixture isn't right. If your in soil i'd do a complete flush but for hydro i'd just cut back on nutes for a bit. Goodluck, Oregon the chronic state.


try not to flush with pure water.....cause i gave my budding plants pure water to start flushing and same thing is happenin....idk if this helps


Well-Known Member
tell us as much as you can about the environment, nutes, age of plant, medium etc.

Whats up jondamon? Here it goes. The plants are 9 sour diesels and 9 great white shark from greenhouse. They are in my 7x8 foot flowering room. Today is day 36 of flowering. so they have been flowering that long but i noticed this starting about a week ago. I dont run any cO2. Keep a very clean room. I use General Hydroponics maxi line, both the gro and bloom. So thats all the nutes so far. And the medium is FFOF,FFLW, pete moss, earthworm casting,perlite. I water with nutes 1 time per week and if they need water in between its just plain, phd water. If i left anything out, let me know...thanks guys...Ganja


Well-Known Member
i have to agree and say mg def .

i would flush with a good flushing additive then plain ph'd water then continue scheduled feeding.

should stop occuring after that. if the mg def has caused a zinc def any new growth would be yellow looking like N def but only on new growth.



Well-Known Member
Are these the lowest of the lowest fan leaves?

If so, then you are doing everything correctly, seriously!

Too much phosphorus causes a zinc defiency, but that's not the case here: zinc defs affect new growth- not old growth.

Your fan leaves are dying because they are no longer needed.

Now-- this doesn't mean that it's o.k. for all the fan leaves to die off. But some will die over the course of an aggressive feeding schedule.

Here's why: Leaves store those important nutrients. If the plant is getting everything it needs from the rootzone, it will shed the old storage units. After all, it takes energy to store. MJ is very resourceful that way.

So those leaves that are dying off? Well, they USED to be important. Several weeks ago, they were the fountainhead of storage. Now the plant is pulling all the goodies out of them and using them elsewhere. Nitrogen & potassium are typically the first elements to go, so it will yellow and weaken. The K reduction will make them more susceptible to burn after subsequent feedings. So what happens when you give it a good feeding? The shit shrivels up and dies. Looks terrible, doesn't it?

The last thing you want to do is change or weaken your regimen over a few fan leaves. If this were the second week of vegetation, however, you would be undoubtedly facing a shit-ton of trouble and worry.

I just recently calmed down a fellow on here worried about the same exact problem. I asked him: how do the buds look? How does the foliage around the buds look?

THAT's where the action is happening now.


Well-Known Member
i have to agree and say mg def .

i would flush with a good flushing additive then plain ph'd water then continue scheduled feeding.

should stop occuring after that. if the mg def has caused a zinc def any new growth would be yellow looking like N def but only on new growth

should i give them epson salt for the mg def?


Well-Known Member
If you want to add epsom salts to your grow medium add it with your nutes. Add at a rate of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon.

If you want a quicker fix, add 1 teaspoon per gallon and foliar feed it. You will start see a difference within 24 hours if it's a, MG deficiency.

It will not make a difference at this point, though. Those lowers fan leaves are buckwheat- marked for death.

Have you read my post above, yet?


Well-Known Member
If you want to add epsom salts to your grow medium add it with your nutes. Add at a rate of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon.

If you want a quicker fix, add 1 teaspoon per gallon and foliar feed it. You will start see a difference within 24 hours if it's a, MG deficiency.

It will not make a difference at this point, though. Those lowers fan leaves are buckwheat- marked for death.

Have you read my post above, yet?
they have only been in flower for 36 days. Should they be dying this quick?


Well-Known Member
Sometime that quick, yes.

I have had some monster fan leaves shrivel up and die at about day 30, but the low low low fan leaves-- not the ones on the top colas.

It's not unusual at all.

If you see some funny activity around the leaflets surrounding the buds, however, then you will have problems, decreased yield among them.

Full circle: how do the buds look?

Are the pistils chunky and white?


Well-Known Member
Another possibility....Did you by any chance, let them dry out to the point of drooping, right before this happened? Everytime I've let this happen, I've seen a big die-off of fan leaves, soon afterwards. I'm guessing that the plants sacrifice them, in an attempt to save themselves. If that's what happened, there's not much you can do about it, except wait for it to shed the leaves it's sacrificed, and most importantly,...don't let it happen

I didn't see that mentioned, so just wanted to put it out there. :)


Well-Known Member
Underwatering is another possiblity, jaw- you're dead right.

Mg deficiencies take weeks to translate into noticeable losses. By that time, your plant is already chopped.

Your lower leaves are dying because you are adding a higher ratio of Phosphorus to Nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Your lower leaves are dying because you are adding a higher ratio of Phosphorus to Nitrogen.

And that's not a bad thing. Read my first post on this thread.