Help - extremely slow growth - no idea how to speed it up


Hey guys, this is my first grow and im 3 days into grow and a bit worried.

firstly my temperatures tend not to drop below 85 when the light is on and about 75 when it's off.

in addition my hudmity hasn't risen about 22%. I tried the wet towels in bowls and that seriously did nothing. Also bought a mini air cooler but that again, did nothing.

i am using a 200w veg envirolite atm and they are about 3 /4inches from plants.

i am growing 4 plants, blue cheese and super lemon haze grew out the soil about saturday/sunday and are now like 2.5 inches. However the other two have done nothing. I'm worried it was because maybe I didn't drop the seed root down when potting or the temperature/humidity.

I am using a little muffin fan for extraction at the top of my cupboard and an oscillating fan as well, yet its still really hot. My cupboard is 90cm in height 80 in width and 50 in depth.

Any tips on keeping my grow space cool or increasing my humidity would be much appreciated. Or any other diagnosis for this slow growth. Even tried making co2 but i scrapped that cos i just thought it would be more effective when they are actual plants.

Cheers in advance.


Well-Known Member
lol sorry i missed the bit about the size u need to work on ur extraction
ur fans need to be able to suck all of the air out of ur grow space in 5 mins
i had some real issues wiht heat myself in the end i had to bite the bullit and buy an air con
try lifting ur light abit and also what r u using to bring fresh air in to ur space


Well-Known Member
oh and as 4 the growth issues 3days is not a long time ive had a seedling take 6 days b4 i saw a sprout
give it a bit of time and im no expert
but from what i can gather co2 will only work if everything else in ur grow room is perfect
ie temp humidity ect ect


oh and as 4 the growth issues 3days is not a long time ive had a seedling take 6 days b4 i saw a sprout
thats assuring, i was worried i had really fluffed that up. I ever burrowed into the pot today to see where the seed was, and exposed a root so i hope that hasnt harmed it.

also, because it's so hot i am watering everyday. is this really bad? the top always get dry so i spray the surface and if its looking really dry i'll water the pot. im making sure not to overwater but i think i'll leave it for a few days before properly watering again.

Soryy i tried attaching photos but it didnt work. Dyou know of any cheap make shift ideas to get temps down. I'd tried putting frozen bottles of wwater behind the fan and infront of it but doesn't really make any difference. I cant fit an air conditioner in there perhaps i'll buy a bigger extractor fan, am using a pc muffin fan atm. dyou know of any ones that are ultra quiet? this is a stealth grow, don't want my family finding out about it :S
