HELP! extraction for 110cm x 65cm x 160cm TENT


Hello all,

Im in the process of purchasing equipment but cant seem to find enough info to choose a fan.

TENT SIZE - 110cm(l) x 65mcm(w) x 160cm(h)

Ill be using the fan to cool my 5" 400w cooltube + extract through 5" filter.

My worrie is .. a too powerfull fan for such a small tent ... ill need it to pack a punch to cool down my light tube.

anybody have any suggestions on what fan i should get?
please leave links to the site its on if possible :)

Thankyou All


Active Member
Cant go wrong with vortex, or CAN fans. 5"? That is a weird size. I think you mean 6" cool tubes. I have had plenty of them. Be careful they are fragile. I used a 6" vortex to cool my two 6" 600w cool tubes in a 1.5 x 1.5m tent. I had to run AC to keep the temps down though. Be sure to use plenty of fans to keep the air moving inside.

Any of these fans are fine. If you spend more money you get a fan for life. I recommend Can-fans. In fact I would buy the Can-fan Max, and a variable speed control.
For the fans:
For the speed control:

Happy Growing!



thanks for the fast reply. cooltube is 5 inches and fits nicly into 5" ducting with some ductape.
Im looking to get a fan that keeps the 400w cooltube temps low and sucks though the filter effectivly without
it causing to much suction inside the tent .

My question is ... what (cheapest) fan will be sufficient for the SPACE (110x65x160cm) + Cooltube (400w hps) + Filter (rhino 5") ?

cheers :)



I see where your going with that and it would be great but they dont do 5". nice and cheap tho :)

anyone else have any ideas ????

"what (cheapest) fan will be sufficient for the SPACE (110x65x160cm) + Cooltube (400w hps) + Filter (rhino 5") ?"


Active Member

I see where your going with that and it would be great but they dont do 5". nice and cheap tho :)

anyone else have any ideas ????

"what (cheapest) fan will be sufficient for the SPACE (110x65x160cm) + Cooltube (400w hps) + Filter (rhino 5") ?"
Here you go bud. Use the reducer with the system i showed you. Got everything you need:


are fans with built in temp control anygood? or is it worth getting a rvk/ruck/can fan and controling the speed? .. i spose if i get one with temp control it will maintain a consistent temp .. having to change the speed i will need to turn it up when light is on and down when light is off manualy?


Well-Known Member
a suggest is go to a ducting place and get a reducer from 6inch to 5inch or the other way around so later when you need to buy another filter you can by a common 6 inch one