Help Experienced grower needed!! Please


I 'm in need of some help from an experienced grower. I have recently received some clones and have began my first grow. I am a bit concerned because my plants have not yet begun to grow. I've had them since friday (6 days ago) and they have not done anything yet. The only thing that has been happening is the leaves on a few of them are turning yellow/brown. My buddy which has years of growing experience seems to think more time will get everything taken care of. I would like an second opinion. Any help will be appreciated

System used:
Aeroflo 60( 3 grow arms are 3ft) pump timer is running 10 on/ 10 off
PH is at 5.8 and PPM of Res is 250 or so
3 1000w sun system ocho's (w/hortilux super mh bulbs)
air cooled 730cfm exhust fan
2 fans in room for circulation

Here a re a few pics of what i'm talking about



Well-Known Member
Did you start the clones off with straight from the 1000w lights, that might be too much to start off right away. Also were the roots fully developed yet?


Fully developed?

The plants did have roots on them. Yes the plants were kind of rushed into the light. I have started rotating turning off a lights on one side of the aerlflo to help. I have only done this for a day now though.


Well-Known Member
From looking at the clone's that you have it look's to me that these was given to you before they was rooted always buy rooted clone's if possible your friend should have known this.It look's like the clone's leg's[roots] have not come through the cube yet once they do they should get new growth and you should be fine.Cut all the realy yellow and brown stuff cut back to the green.By leaveing this on dead material can turn to mould.I would also mist them with water nothing else ph of 5.5/5.7 in a hydro set up.Try and get some plant start for the first few weeks of any clone's life this will bring the plants on faster.
floresent bulbs are fine untill root are strong and save on electricaty, if you pinch out the new'st growth on the top of the clone's it send's the plants energy down to get strong root base and this should give you a much stronger plant in the end