Help! Electrician coming tomorrow.. Only a few days til harvest


*I added some pics, scroll down to see them*
So, I have 3 plants(1 is huge, the others are large) in soil growing under 650w, in a closet. I have a medical card, my grow is legit, but my house has old wiring, a few breakers are out(they didnt trip though, just not working, I think a line blew) so electrician is coming over tomorrow. I wanted to give my girls a couple more days of light, then dark for 24 hours, cut the buds and regenerate the lower branches.. Don't want dude to see my set up, he probably won't need to open the closet, but definitely will go in the room, which reeks of bud. he will probably shut off power to the house too..
Putting them outside for the day isn't really an option, my neighbors can see the yard and are nosy and have little kids.
What should I do?
1) Cut them early(w/o getting 24hour dark cycle I was planning)
2) just unplug my setup, and leave them in the dark for the day, hope that the guy doesn't notice the smell lol (could I give them a couple more days of 12/12 after a day of dark? or would that mess them up?)
Or... Stick them outside and hope for the best?

Thanks for reading.. Have any advice/ideas?


Active Member
screw the electric guy. install a lock on your closet, easy as buying a new door knob + a few min of labor. just fabreze the hell out of the room when he gets there, tell him to hold on a sec and he should give you enough time to do whatever. if he does shut the electricity it should only be for a few min and not cause any prob, plus this late its not likely to grow any male flowers let alone have time to begin to form a seed. dont sacrifice your quality for any reason especially if your a patient. even if he smells it he likely wont ask questions.
good luck man
3 plants is not that big of a say leave em... unless ofcourse the wiring needs redoing because of you. lol youve worked hard for 2+ months and your gonna let it go to waste because of a electrician? he prolly smokes too....balls up and like i said...its only 3


thanks everyone. i would put a lock on the closet but it isnt a normal door, its 2 sliding doors. the house is older, which is why the wiring is messed up. we've had issues with plumbing too because the lady before never really fixed anything right. im thinking ill just shut off the lights and cut them after he leaves. ill be here so ill keep an eye out if he goes in the room...
i just went and looked at them, i think theyre ready enough for harvest.. took a few pics, what do u think?

thanks everyone..
and PS: im a woman, lol
let em go another couple days...i cant say for sure but it looks like one or some are done but some still need that little extra....if you have a 30x scope or jewelers loop i recommend using to see that there are atleast 20% amber trichomes.
looks good though definatly a couple days away. glad to see you womaned up and grew a pair :). i have never used the 24 hour dark cycle before harvest but i do cut after the lights go off (and stay off) remember that even after they are cut down they still continue to "grow"/ripen so as long as your dry room is dark that is more than enough. just dont get impatient with the cut down and youll never be disappointed.

btw what strain


i got them as clones from the club.. 2 different strains. the biggest plant is over 5ft not including the pot its in, its EC Sour diesel, which could mean east coast sour diesel, but im californian so i like to think it refers to the initials of an area near me.. lol. thats the one in the last pic. the other 2 are over 3ft, they said kush... but im not really sure if thats right. i didnt want them to get so big, but had a spider mite issue right before switching them to 12/12, so i delayed flowering a bit.