Help educated the uninformed

Marco Renda

Active Member
Treating Yourself magazine will be published 6 times per year starting in 2009 and we need to get all articles in on time in order for us to meet our printer deadlines.

Below is the deadline dates for articles.

Submission Date / Issue / On Sale Date
Feb 01/09 for TY #16 - April/09
Apr 01/09 for TY #17 - June/09
Jun 01/09 for TY #18 - Aug/09
Aug 01/09 for TY #19 - Oct/09
Oct 01/09 for TY #20 - Dec/09

Please get your articles sent in on time so as our copy editor Aendrew can go through the articles and make the necessary edits. This also gives Ivan our layout design person enough time to get the issue together on time to meet our printer deadline.

Here is some suggestions

Grow Reports + HIGH RES PICS
Smoke Reports + HIGH RES PICS
Personal Stories + HIGH RES PICS
Product Reviews + HIGH RES PICS
Compassion Club Reviews + HIGH RES PICS
Events / Shows + HIGH RES PICS
Growing your own medical marijuana - Techniques & Methods
Methods of Ingestion of MJ: Smoking - Joint / Pipe / Bong / Vaporizing
Oral - Baked Goods / Capsules / Tinctures

You can use your REAL NAME or you can use a PEN NAME or your FORUM HANDLE you can even submit your article ANON

What a GREAT WAY to SHOW OFF your GROWS and share your knowledge!

Please post your comments and ideas here on this thread and feel free to also contact me via PM.

ALL CONTRIBUTORS will recieve a copy of the magazine which their article is published

Thanks again for all your support and contributions.

If you ever have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee
Publisher & Editor in Chief
Treating Yourself
The Alternative Medicine Journal

P.S. Remember all previously published issues are available for FREE at


Marco Renda

Active Member
Issue # 17 is soon to be released and I would like to thank everyone who submitted an article.

For those of you who are thinking of having an article submitted for issue # 18 please note that the deadline for articles is fast approaching.

ALL CONTRIBUTORS will recieve a copy of the magazine which their article is published

Thanks again for all your support and contributions.

If you ever have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee
Publisher & Editor in Chief
Treating Yourself
The Alternative Medicine Journal

P.S. Remember all previously published issues are available for FREE at

