Help! Edison reported for stealing electricity

If the electric is not in your name and you have no ties to the house then how can they prove you had something to do with it unless your "boss" sells you out.

Regardless that's got to be the dumbest way to run a illegal grow op or legal for that matter. Pay for the power and if you can't pay the bill then your not growing right.
If the electric is not in your name and you have no ties to the house then how can they prove you had something to do with it unless your "boss" sells you out.

Regardless that's got to be the dumbest way to run a illegal grow op or legal for that matter. Pay for the power and if you can't pay the bill then your not growing right.

Transfo goes "pop", ConEd come round to find the problem, find him there or he turns up, name taken and then game over
It's a friend's house he was visiting.

Good luck proving that, not with a grow room pulling so much power it blew the supply fuses.

After all, it's hardly a place you would bring your friends round to, you wouldn't want too many people knowing about it.
Good luck proving that, not with a grow room pulling so much power it blew the supply fuses.

After all, it's hardly a place you would bring your friends round to, you wouldn't want too many people knowing about it.
Ok no cops have been in the house...clear house out then what's there for them to say? It's not illegal in any state to have grow equipment. Only one that I think would be fucked is the home owner.
Ok no cops have been in the house...clear house out then what's there for them to say? It's not illegal in any state to have grow equipment. Only one that I think would be fucked is the home owner.

The easy answer to that is that someone will have taken pictures, otherwise they wouldn't be able to prove the theft for the reason you say.

And, of course, if someone is stupid enough to give his name when asked...
the owner gonna get shafted , u stay away be best
think about what happened , u really wanna go to jail ?
maybe change up who u work with next time
Shit, I would have doubled down. First of all I would have beat the shit out of the comed worker who threaten to turn me in. After beating them to a pulp I would have tied them up and driven them to their house where I would have reminded them I'll be back for the fams if they squeal. Then I would have reconnected my illegal connection and resumed my grow. I ain't no bitch. Plus you can just calm squatter's rights bro

Ain't nobody going tell me what to do, I'm all gangsta and shit.

lmao. People are fucking geniuses
I'm detecting a distinct lack of "Festive Spirit" and "Goodwill to Fellow Man" at this very special time of year.

You heartless bastards
Will you visit him then for all of us....Maybe some presents like lube and back scrubbers....with some scent in-bedded in them would be nice as well...