Help! Edison reported for stealing electricity


Well-Known Member
What should I do? Trash the plants? The transformer fuse blown and Edison reporting it for theft. What will happen? What should I do.
Who are they reporting for theft because if you're using the power supply legally, just maybe a bit too much compared to what they expected, then there's not much they can do to you or the boss/whoever.

You bypass the meter or have the supply in a false name to avoid paying, then yer fecked whether you ditch the plants or not.
If the laws are anything like here my money is on "you are fu**ed". The charge for stealing electricity is far worse then for growing. Guaranteed jail time. And so it should be. Sounds to me by seeing some of these posts you are involved in some super shady shit and o what a surprise shit went bad.
Goodluck with all that, thief.
If the laws are anything like here my money is on "you are fu**ed". The charge for stealing electricity is far worse then for growing. Guaranteed jail time.
Not true. If convicted, the judge will likely offer him some sort of restitution payment in lieu of jail time. Depends on the state.

To the OP - Fuck you for stealing electricity, you worthless piece of shit.
Not true. If convicted, the judge will likely offer him some sort of restitution payment in lieu of jail time. Depends on the state.

To the OP - Fuck you for stealing electricity, you worthless piece of shit.

That's going to depend on "how" they stole the electricity, isn't it, and running an illegal power supply to grow a stinkload of weed is, imo, unlikely to be a slap on the wrist.

Ain't as if it's some poor guy trying to get enough juice to be able to have some cash to buy food, not if we're looking at theft at a more "industrial" level which could run into a considerable sum of money including a new transformer (if he blew fuses there then that transfo has been stressed and will likely need replaced) and, well, chances are that the judge will not look kindly upon that.

And that's before the electricity people get their fangs in for every cent, and more, for what they say was used, the costs of a new transfo, the costs of teting and possibly replacing the cables from the transfo, and so on.

Jail time for being involved in that sort of thing, for it ain't going to be a legal grow if they're stealing electricity, is quite possible imo