*help* dying plants, no clue what is wrong *help* - pics included

Thank you roll it up users for reading thispost.
this is my first time ever growing, and i need a little bit of help.. :)
the plants were doing fine until up about a week ago when i started to notice
some yellow spots forming on the sets of leaves. and someone told me it was spider
mites so i went and purchased the insecticidal soap and sprayed my plants from bottom
to top with it . about 2 days before i sprayed them with that i gave my plant some of the
nutrients i have. and i also re planted them because the soil i was using before was bad stuff.
here are some pictures of my 2 plants, and stuff. i also have a fan and a cover for my grow box
you just cant see them in the pictures, PLEASE HELP :) bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie HAPPY TOKING.

2 weeks..jpggrow room, 2 weeks.jpg2 weeks - 1.jpgnutrients.jpg2 weeks - 3.jpg2 weeks.jpg2 weeks - 2.jpginsecticidal soap.jpg2 weeks - 4.jpg



Well-Known Member
doubt it is mites. probably a combo of shitty soil and (i assume) shitty nutrients...what brands are you using?
what kind of nutrients do you suggest i go and buy, and yes i let the soil dry out before i water it again.
it has good soil now, jsut before it was crap.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
I would guess that its too young to be giving it any nutes right now. the soil should have enough in it to keep it going for awhile...how much have you been feeding it?


Well-Known Member
I don't feed that early in the grow but your soil looks different. IDK it doesn't have any perlite and it just looks heavy to me. Hope I'm wrong. If you think it needs a little fertilizer then use an all purpose but at a very weak rate. And buy a Ph meter if you don't already have one.
im just gonna use water for a while, the soil is light. not heavy . they plants are looking like they are coming back to there healthy state, i will just give it a few days and see what happens .