help. dose any 1 no why my leaves going purple

as you can see this is my big buddha tahoe only 2 weeks left and this is happened.sorry about my pic of gorge my english pitbull.i'm not to worried as it must be something 2 do with the strain as the rest of my girls are ok. 1 other question what are the little flys called that borrow in the soil called as i need to sort them out, as i,m just about to put my OG Raskle wi-fi and S1 in soon if any 1 no,s much about raskle can u let me no as can't find much on his strains.cheesr



Well-Known Member
phosphorus lock-out is one of the problems. N abundance may be another. what you feeding it? most likely the little flies are fungus gnats. they can be a nuisance in wet soil. is your soil wet? i suspect it is. let the plant dry out. no ferts. plenty of air.


Well-Known Member
i agree with scrog > phosphorus. what are you temps max / min, what nutes, how much and what amount > eg ml/ltr per feed ;)
Sounds good to me defo makes sence. I'm using flora bloom10ml perL, carbload A/N1ml perL,Ionic boost1ml temps are14degreas lights of and26 degreas lights on. I've been letting them dry out waterung every2/3 days. And i've tryed using neem oil but not doing much i have some of them sticky traps which are covered i them little flys. Whats the best thing to do with lockout? Do i flush or what's your advice. Cheers
Yer only 2 weeks left they hav been flowering for 7 weeks already. The red buds are ladybugs. Heres a few more pics and theres 1 pic of a seedling with little white spots on it and u can also just about see them on the exdous in the bak ground


i agree, but i say isolate it salvage flush renute. then no more feeding take the bud losses especially if yor paying big on nutes. observe everythng between exact clones ur isolated ones and your normies. also normal otside grows have such accurance. there is a big difference between a Mixture and subsance. no big picture just leaf shots its its only a few correct soil temp for non lockout, if its a bunch of leaves then isolate use this as a learning experiance if you know u have two of the same, and this arrises so close to flushing durations toss. u isolate that plant let that shit get a little worse if ir startsmoving fast retain immeiate control through simpe protocols. this is a learning thing and knowledge will be worth a lot more than whatever u may be riskng on loosing off one plant. quick answers can always be given but when they cant u need to be able to know and troubleshoot, hopefully u do some form of hydro growing. strain name originality is a big deal always get your seeds from a major seed bank where the genetic past is known ones that have labs pure genetic manipulation, extraction of compounds, massive r and d budgets oldschool ones the original banks hold strains that produce specific ratios of avg cbds and thc in pure. OG seed banks, research and prepare before u even start. thats the basic thing for any beginner semi beginner. i dont know about ur experiance dude with problems but u had to ask i say quaranteen and learn even if u lose quality/mass u could end up with a unique buzz due to that problem. if u have a few grows under u then u should be able to troubleshoot this fix it, and regain all alone. i dont forum this tab doesnt work well and i have never been a forum person i dont know if ive poste the samething three times or not. i remmember my last forum like this was over spectrums because blue and red were not so defined as they are now but there is still unsureness about that as well.


Well-Known Member
Your so late into flower that you should be flushing now anyway. If there is a P lockout which it looks like then this will adjust be plain PH'd water. The rest of the buds look fine.