Help?? dont need probs with people downstairs!!


Active Member
OKay so like i got back home today and hurd the people saying"that kinda looks like a weed plant" ... its like on my deck but i got sum like shower curtain blockin it but they musta seen the shadow or sumshit iv been Lst-ing it but i can only do so mutch and its still growin up alomost past my deck again..its like 21 days into flowering i wana finish before any one eather snatchez my plants or worse ...any idea?? is its to late to top it ?? would that mesh keep it frum growing??

Dont worry im Frum Can i wont got to jail for years for 2 plants
if ur not legal you should prolly ditch the plant. if i were u i would just take it to some secluded woods or something and try to let it finish.. but i would remove it from your residence if your not legal now that your cover is blown.


Active Member
but the thing is im like 90 % they no i smoke weed im supper nice to everyone and i kno the guy that lives under me blazes! kinda reason i wana just go with it.. cause if i do move them its alot more risky getin busted in a car or hurtin the plants i just wana play it off i grabed a new plant and put it next to it ... im just worryd the plants gona get bigger and same with there nose it wus just fluke on the lighting but shit i dont kno
w/e its your life... Like I said, I know what I would do and thats move it.. You fucked up and got seen.. Deal with the consequences now and move the plant instead of later when something bad happens.

move it inside. buy a plant the same general size. place it on your balcony let be seen for a few days. Then move the old one back and cover again.


Active Member
Move inside hahah your telling me i had them fix my side wall of my balcony so i had them in and out then they fixed sum old wood under the deck and did it again and yes i aready grabed a bigger plant and put them out there moved them back and shits going good for now and looking lil a ninja garden :)