Help! do I have a pest problem!?!


my first grow ever
ok this just started about 2 days ago..

my plant is an auto blue mystic feminised she is on day 23 from seed and is flowering and doing really well apart from this.. I'm growing in soil
I just administered her first feeding 2 days ago bio-bizz bio bloom 1-2-2..

how do I fix this pleas help me
SN850326.jpgSN850329.jpgView attachment 2322941 :-(


Well-Known Member
Potentially, if your indoors it can be a problem. I'd snip the leaves and clean the affected leaf as a precaution. Outdoors, I wouldn't stress over it. I'd just hose the plant using soapy water and rely on natural predators.


Potentially, if your indoors it can be a problem. I'd snip the leaves and clean the affected leaf as a precaution. Outdoors, I wouldn't stress over it. I'd just hose the plant using soapy water and rely on natural predators.
I'm growing indoors


Well-Known Member
If it's a small plant, just get some dawn dish soap and water. Spray the plant, making sure to get the undersides, and hand rub the leaves and stems. If you notice any cluster spots, they could be eggs, so as a precaution go ahead and snip that area of the leaf. Don't go crazy cutting leaves though. Just the problem areas. They might mean just the very tips or as much as half a single leaf. Main point is to keep much of the plant intact as possible. Again most of this is a precaution because you haven't verified the threat yet.


Well-Known Member
After treating with soapy water, rinse with clean water (e.g. tap, rain, spring or RO; it doesn't really matter what kind) and follow it up with a light dusting of Diatomaceous Earth. This will kill and deter soft body insects by mechanical means and unlike neem or other insecticides, it won't have the potential to cause toxicity or burns. Just make sure to use food grade diatomaceous earth, not the kind made for pools.


Well-Known Member
Go to your local grow shop and buy a box of lady bugs. Wont cost more than ten dollars. Release them in your room and close the door. It will take no longer than a week in a 8x8 room. Keep it organic!


Well-Known Member
And in two weeks, you'll have 1,000 dead lady bugs! Yay organics!!!

Outside = lady bugs kicking ass. Inside = smelly lady bug genocide. Not cool.


Well-Known Member
While i understand this opposition, organic is organic. What about the soapy water that runs into the soil? Lady bugs come in packs of around 50-75. They will die in about two weeks after the food is gone and there is no adverse smells. It would also help to use fox farm soil, as they are a reputable dealer of pest-free soils. HAPPY GROWING!


I cut off the effected part of the leaf.. cleaned the grow box went at her with a spray bottle and tap water got every inch of the plant.. I don't want to do anything to harsh to her yet as every other bit of her is just so green and healthy... so I'll keep an eye on her over the next couple of days. I'll let you know how it go's