help diagnose my plants PLEASE


Well-Known Member
I posted a link on her current thread for her grow telling everyone not to answer her pointing them here to read how fucked up they are !
I think people deserve to know instead of getting duped into giving them info . Hell probaly an illegal grow anyways . I transplanted to colorado and got legal .


Well-Known Member
I posted a link on her current thread for her grow telling everyone not to answer her pointing them here to read how fucked up they are !
I think people deserve to know instead of getting duped into giving them info . Hell probaly an illegal grow anyways . I transplanted to colorado and got legal .
oh oh oh..what link?...i normally dont get in the middle of these little internet pillow fights....but these fuckers really chapped my ass...its ok to be opinionated...but to be an outright douchebag from the start...gets under my skin


Well-Known Member
I posted a link on her current thread for her grow telling everyone not to answer her pointing them here to read how fucked up they are !
I think people deserve to know instead of getting duped into giving them info . Hell probaly an illegal grow anyways . I transplanted to colorado and got legal .
what's wrong with an illegal grow?


Well-Known Member
i get the feeling they probably are not of age after re reading over everything. it takes a pretty special adult to act so immature.


Well-Known Member
i just left a very heart felt message on her/his/its other thread...i hope it really helps their grow


Well-Known Member
just for the fudge of it...ill post the same message here...."cornhole...cheese spread....llama shuttle....dirka dirka dirka"


due outside opinion...tina you're just real scared. Everyone understands the economics. You came back to sober people up ans now their firing back with GOOD STUFF. So humble yourself and don't be presumtious...Seriously wtf is your lets all appreciate we aare wise ass pricks in the age of ages but lets keep smiling. I'd like to see them makje it..Y not flush? Safest best all around...AND NO ONE is trying to hurt them on purpose with advice. We're potheads dude..easy...


Well-Known Member
due outside opinion...tina you're just real scared. Everyone understands the economics. You came back to sober people up ans now their firing back with GOOD STUFF. So humble yourself and don't be presumtious...Seriously wtf is your lets all appreciate we aare wise ass pricks in the age of ages but lets keep smiling. I'd like to see them makje it..Y not flush? Safest best all around...AND NO ONE is trying to hurt them on purpose with advice. We're potheads dude..easy...
Unless you know this person personally as in u know somthing we don't I wouldnt even bother she's just gonna come back cuss you out and tell you your trying to get her to kill her plants don't even waste your time !


Active Member
When on this site, learn to be very, very humble. That's what gets you viable answers to your ?'s. I think there are too many children on this site trying to vent problems that have nothing to do with marijuana growing. Most probably don't even grow (can't because they are children). If you ask the right questions on here (hopefully in a literate manner), then you will get good valid advice (usually from experienced growers and even some newbies). If you have personal issues, go see a friggin shrink.


Yeah you're upsetting a lot of knowledgeable people on here and word gets around fast! Cool out and you should probably apologize. Every time I have a question these guys on this site come to my aide quicker than ever. I'm new here and started growing at the end of last months and my plants look great! I just read through the posts and posted when I needed to. When your a newb like me its sometimes better to be seen not heard.