HELP!!! Couple issues with pics


Active Member
So I've got two things here that could be connected, but I don't think so.

First is the white spotting on just a few of the bigger leaves.

The second is the yellow spotting on a lot of the leaves. Maybe some sort of nut deficiency/burn?

There's a third issue too, which started after I had to move my garden to a friends house and was left in a box for 3 days. The middle of all the plants turned yellow, and part of the leaves that are directly connected to the stem. Tried to get a picture of each. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
I wouldnt have suggested putting it in a box with absolutly 0 airflow , wet plants usually tend to die in those kinds of cases
Powdery Mildew and Spider Mites for sure!!! You need to get Mighty Wash and PM Wash kill those bastards. PM rub off?????? You really want to smoke some moldy shit? You would get really sick if you don't control it.


Active Member
No money for 11 days, talking flat broke, so I'm gonna have to figure something out with what I've got here at the house. Heard habanero water works wonders on spider mites, can kill on contact. Anyone else used this? I've got habaneros in the fridge right now. Have baking soda, garlic, and milk for the powdery mildew.


Well-Known Member
try 1 liter ph water 6.5 and three droplets of dish soap, try to get the dish soap with no additives like lotion. remember three droplets ... dont over kill it with soap (three droplets thats all)

and mist your plants when lights are off or an hour before lights turns on . get under the leaves as good as you can dont sting out on the under spray. keep doing this every three days cause thats the life cycle of spider mites. do this until two weeks into flowering or when when signs of buds are developing ( usually 1 to 2 weeks into flowering) after that what ever mites appears just pick off the leaves.

this should slow them down till harvest time.

remember once you start to see the buds form no more spraying , if you continue you will start to get bud rot from moisture

good luck and have fun
Baking Soda works for PM. I have used it before. Milk does work too, but I didn't like what it does to my room. I can't help you with spider mite issues as I use protekt by Dyna-gro as a preventive. Mighty wash is not cheap but does wonders killing the Mites. Since you're broke I don't know what else to tell ya. Moving them to different places and in a cardboard box is not a good idea. Ya live and learn. We have battle one thing or other in the past


Active Member
Ya, ideally I would have not liked to do that, given the fact that it's not exactly legal here. But given the fact that the police showed up to serve a search warrant less than two hours later, I'm glad I did. I'm still kinda surprised about the spider mites though, I keep a pretty heavy fan on these 24/7 and turn them every day, I thought that would be a deterrent (maybe that's why they're still alive, this has been going on for two weeks). Everything about this grow has been completely wrong, lol. From ripping them up from the soil outside to planting them in compost thats been on the side of my house from leave droppings from the last ten years on a concrete slab, to putting them all in a bucket in only 4 inches of that "soil." It goes against everything I knew I was supposed to be doing, but I didn't exactly plan on ending up with these, literally threw the whole grow together in less than an hour, every CFL in my house is on them, lol. I'm surprised they are still alive honestly, but I've got a new crop started from seed that I'm doing the "right" way cuz it definitely sparked my desire again.


Well-Known Member
neem oil will help prevent spider mites next time. It's completely natural, and you can add a tiny bit of natural dish soap as an emulsifier. (Doc Bronner's...duh)

You could also try a foliar spray with a little h202 (hydrogen peroxide) for the current mites. The extra oxygen molecule will piss em off pretty good., and your plants will love it. Do some searching on how much to use.

Or just plain natural dish soap, as some others have stated - works great!

I've seen people take them out back, and spray em off with a hose.

As for the the PM. It should just rub off. But you need to fix the problem also. Do you have a fan that blows air around at night? how cold does it get at night? what's the humidity? I'm sure when you figure out these variables, you'll know why you have it, and how to fix it.

How often do you foliar spray?


Active Member
I've been keeping the fan on at night ever since I noticed both issues, before that it was getting to 71 F at dark (it's cold here, so I have my dark period during the day and lights on at night to keep the heat on them). Not sure about RH, future investment that I obviously underestimated. The PM doesn't neccessarily rub off, but I can feel it on my hands when I'm done handling it. I just removed the leaves yesterday that were infected, hit the rest with baking soda/water mix to help slow it down. I'm fairly certain it wouldn't have been an issue if I hadn't had them in that damn box, but now I know the importance of air flow during the dark. As for the little fuckers on the undersides of the leaves, I sprayed them with a mix of habanero water, soap, and vegetable oil. Hoping it gets rid of the little bastards.


Active Member
I typically don't foliar spray, I've been ridiculously careful to not do anything that would be susceptible to mold (minus the box ingenuity), that's why it kinda surprised me that that's what it was. I thought for sure I had burnt it with the lights or something, but when it started showing up on leaves that couldn't be burnt, I was in denial, lol,