Help!!! Cotyledon exposed to air for 30 seconds


Active Member
Ok, I have germinated 3 seeds using the paper towel method. I have placed them in jeffy/jiffy(?) pellets. I check in on them regularly, and try and take care of them. This is my second batch of seedlings that I have tried to sprout, so I am reaaaaaaallllllyyy hoping I don't mess this one up also.

Anyways, I was looking at them, and noticed a small white stem or stick kind of sticking out of the top of the pellet. I look closer, and dig it out a little. I follow it and eventually it turns out to be the 1" cotyledon! I was pretty happy, because it's only been 3 days since the thing was a seed! It's growing fast.

Anyways, I dug it out a little bit more because I noticed that I did not plant it tail side down. The seed would expend extra energy having to move around underground to prevent breaking through the topsoil. In doing so, I exposed it to air for maybe 30 seconds. The lighting wasn't too harsh either. I think I planted it right side down, and a little deeper.

Will that short amount of time affect the plant? Hmm, I know I could've made the post a LOT shorter, but I'm kind of baked and running my mouth. :blsmoke: Hehe.


Well-Known Member
Ive read to not use jiffy pucks because they do exactly what happened to you, cause the plant to root incorectly thus stunting or stopping growth.