help clones???


Active Member
i usually grow from seed i was wondering if clones are hard or whats the best way for me too start clones since i can just go get clones from the lab


Well-Known Member
Get your clones, put them in pots for a soil grow, or put them in whatever Hydro setup you have and grow them up. The clones from a lab are already to go into whatever system you are going to use.


Well-Known Member
Clones, are a cutting taken from a plant that has already been sprouted and grown up for a time. No hormones or anything is needed for the first couple weeks till they acclamate to thier new environment. If you are taking your own clones from another plant then Yes you will need the equipment (cloning gel, rooting hormones, and i recommend rapid rooters, Less acidic than rockwool) to accomplish the cloning process.


Well-Known Member
To clone:
1. Pick a lower branch from a plant in Veg.
2. Cut about 3-4 inches from the end of the branch.
3. Immediately place the cutting in unchlorinated, pH'd to 6.5 water. (prevents and air embolism from forming.)
4. prepare your rapid rooter by moistening it with the water described in 3.
5. get your clone, and do a 45degree cut just above where you cut it away from the branch.
6. dip in the rooting gel, then in the hormone, and imbed it into the rapid rooter.
7. put the rapid rooter and clone in a cup or something and place under a humidity dome.
8. check every day, moisten with a spray bottle, dont saturate it.
9. when you see roots appear at the sides or the bottom of the rapid rooter, start aclimating the clone to the outside air slowly. Remove the dome for a few minutes, and increase the time the dome is open each day. May take about 4-5 days. If it wilts, put the dome back on. Once the dome is off for a long period, transplant to your grow system, (hydro/soil) and yer off. Grow em up

hope this helps


Active Member
wgat what u mean a plant that already been sprouted isnt a clone a clone and dont i need hormones to help it with the rooting. so what is a clone from the lab do they come with roots or what i dont get what ur saying

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
yeah ummm, exactly what you said bro you got it!
now what were you saying? no, seriously, what?!


Well-Known Member
Clones acquired from a lab already have roots necessary to grow them up. If you are cutting your own clones from a female you have already in veg, you will need some cloning gel or hormone, and a humidity dome to get the clones you cut from your mom (female plant in veg) to grow roots. I have read/heard of clones acquired from cannibus shops in Cali already have the roots necessary to grow. Just dont clone a male plant, you'll have male clones.