help! clones dying!!!!


Active Member
So I've cloned these guys for about a week and they don't seem to be doing very well. I mist them a few times a day. Put them in 24 hours light. They're turning yellow and some leaves are even curling up and dying. I've also opened a cube up to see if there are any signs of root growth but there was none. Here are some pictures. Any help?



Well-Known Member
Did you use any root gel before putting them in the cubes? What kind of light are you using and how many watts? How close is your light to the clone? Did you give these clones any nutrients or add anything else to them? What strain are you using? Is it the first time clonning this strain? Whats the temperature and RH? Try answering these questions that may help. Also I don't think you need to mist them so often. I mist once the first day and once the second day and then I don't do anything to them for 7-10 days. They come out looking healthy will roots. Just by those pictures that might be damage done by resting water on the foliage. Thats me based off the picture and the information given. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Did you use any root gel before putting them in the cubes? What kind of light are you using and how many watts? How close is your light to the clone? Did you give these clones any nutrients or add anything else to them? What strain are you using? Is it the first time clonning this strain? Whats the temperature and RH? Try answering these questions that may help. Also I don't think you need to mist them so often. I mist once the first day and once the second day and then I don't do anything to them for 7-10 days. They come out looking healthy will roots. Just by those pictures that might be damage done by resting water on the foliage. Thats me based off the picture and the information given. Hope this helps.
Temp is around 70
Rh is around 55-60
I'm running GSC strain
Yes I used clonning gel
Yes this is my first time clonning

I'm using the Mars hydro pro series light. It's set to seedling mode which should be minimal lighting I would assume.
No nutes yet because I've notice no root growth what so ever.
Maybe I'm misting too much or my plants might be too close to the lights.


Well-Known Member
Temp is around 70
Rh is around 55-60
I'm running GSC strain
Yes I used clonning gel
Yes this is my first time clonning

I'm using the Mars hydro pro series light. It's set to seedling mode which should be minimal lighting I would assume.
No nutes yet because I've notice no root growth what so ever.
Maybe I'm misting too much or my plants might be too close to the lights.
do you have them under a dome or not?


Well-Known Member
The biggest thing i can see that would hurt survival chances is the temps. If you say 70 thats too low. You NEED temps around 78 degrees, i actually go a teency bit higher up to 80. I mist twice a day and make sure the rock wool doesnt dry out, dont just spray the leaves.
Also. As was said above, you have wayyy too much leaf on there cut off lower leaves, and i like to not just slice the plant in the middle of a branch. Cut them through the node.
The biggest thing is the dome. If you dont have one youll fail horribly.


Active Member
The biggest thing i can see that would hurt survival chances is the temps. If you say 70 thats too low. You NEED temps around 78 degrees, i actually go a teency bit higher up to 80. I mist twice a day and make sure the rock wool doesnt dry out, dont just spray the leaves.
Also. As was said above, you have wayyy too much leaf on there cut off lower leaves, and i like to not just slice the plant in the middle of a branch. Cut them through the node.
The biggest thing is the dome. If you dont have one youll fail horribly.
I have a dome...


Well-Known Member
The shortest time for me was 5-7 days. The longest was 28 days, and the temps were cooler. I was in no rush. Surprised the even rooted though. :hump: I have some clones trying to root right now.