help choosing a few products


ok guys i got a is roughly 3ftx3ft...i previously have completed 1 cfl/soil grow...the yield was very low but the buds were top notch...nice and dense and very that i have cut my teeth i would like to expand a little and get some better equipment...still just want to do a few plants just for personal use and mostly just for the hobby of are a few questions i have..

First off i am wanting to upgrade my lights...i love the little cfl's but the results with the HID's are impossible to ignore...heres the question...what size hps light would i need for my space...i know the more the better but heat will be a issue in my small little closet, even the cfls got the temps up to about what would be the smallest hps light that would still be effective enough for the given space...

second...i want to get away from using soil...mostly because a buddy of mine swears his yeild and product was way better once he switched to a bubble ponic system...i have a few questions on this...first off...a bubbleponic system looks much simpler than an ebb and flow or other hydro systems...being that it is just one tub and no other reservoirs to deal with...which bubble system would you guys recommend...i have seen many...or would you just build one...they look pretty simple to make but i do like the convenience of a ready made system...

third...could someone point me to any kind of guide or something with basic info on hydroponics...i have found a lot of info and a lot of it contradicts itself and there is just so much i don't really know what to follow...

fourth...what other things will i need for the hydro different types of meters and test and stuff...when i did my soil grow i literally just planted it and watered it when it needed it and that was nutes what so ever and i didn't test anything...that may account for the low yield i i just need to get a supply list together so i can figure out cost and such...

and my fifth and final question...ventilation...i know there is gonna be a significantly larger amount of heat to deal with and i was wondering what you guys would suggest for a cost efficient venting system...the only exhaust hole i have is a 4 inch goin into the attic...i suppose i can put another if need be...but what type of fans do you guys suggest...i need something that isnt gonna be terribly loud...last time i made a exhaust fan from a box and a 12 in box worked ok but defiantly isn't gonna be enough for an HID type situation...and it was kinda loud but i think that may be due to me mounting the box straight to the wall with duct was a bitch to get down that tape is strong stuff..

this may be askin a lot but if anyone could answer some or all of these questions i would be very appreciative...thanks...sorry if these are stupid questions...

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
3x3 is right on the edge of either 4 or 9 plants (2x2 or 3x3 plants) in 5gal buckets depending on whether the space is a little bigger or smaller than 3x3'. You should have at least 400w for that area but its light won't quite reach the furthest branches unless the plants are very short. You might check in the Hydro section for more info about creating a system. Centrifugal fans are usually the way to go. They commonly come in 4" outlet models. Can-Fan is often the best and Vortex is another good brand. They are expensive but last a long time and move air quietly compared to other fans. The fan should be in the attic and removed from the grow area somewhat to eliminate noise inside. Make sure the attic vents to the outside are clear.


maybe a better question is where is a good place to order hydroponic supplies...i think ima just build a system...they don't look very complicated at all so i think it will be no big deal...but i do need a line on a good vendor to acquire things like net pots and nutes and such...any recommendations??
I also need a good source to purchase a light...hps is what im interested in...400 watts and under...scared to go any bigger because heat will be an issue...thanks again guys

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Here's the thing, if you don't have the budget to dedicate to this project you should wait.

Ventilation is not to be underestimated. Air is as important as light and you cannot skimp.

What I think you need is a good 3x3 tent for light tightness, a 400w ballast with air cooled reflector and ceramic metal halide bulb, a 180cfm blower fan, and a 4" duct booster intake fan.

I prefer recirculating DWC. I think you could concentrate your efforts on a single plant and train it to fill the space out. With that setup you could pull 12 to 16 ounces if all goes well.


thanks for the reply first off...

i know ventilation is important and i will need considerably more than i had last go around...the big question for me there was how much do i need...180cfm should do it?....thanks ill see what i can find...

i thought about a tent but the closet i have is a corner closet that is shaped weird and a 3x3 just wouldn't fit...i abandoned the tent idea and took steps to ensure the closet itself was light tight...i think im good in that department if anything...

i was looking at a 400 watt switchable hps/metal would the ceramic metal halide stack up to having both an hps and a MH as apposed to just a CMH....does the CMH work well for veg and flower...are they more they run cooler/hotter...

this may be a stupid question (im sure it is) but what is the diff in DWC and a bubble system...

don't mean to ask so many questions but im new to the game...i appreciate very much any and all comments questions and opinions...

thanks again..

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Yes, the CMH is superior to MH and HPS bulbs.

DWC is short for Deep Water Culture, Bubbleponics is the slang term given to DWC. They are the same thing.

No problem answering questions, but before you ask them it'd be good to do a little research prior to asking so that you can generate your own opinion and then incorporate the advice you get here. Google would have done as good a job as I just did.


well i have done quite a bit of research but sometimes its just makes me feel better to just go ahead and ask aswell....

I thought DWC and bubbleponics were the same but i was thrown off buy the way the reply was worded and not being sure in the first place i thought i would ask...

what kind of ballast does the CMH use...would it be the same as a regular MH....