Help choose the next fake scandal

what should the next fake scandal be?


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  • is not voting for openly racist candidate trump

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Well-Known Member
with the 9th and final benghazi report out (and nothing) and the security review by the FBI complete (again, nothing), retarded right wing fucktards are gonna need another fake scandal to drive themselves into a frothy concoction of anger and delusion.

so, go ahead and vote on what it should be.

do it for the whiny, pathetic, crybaby right wing racists. give them some help, folks.
Hillary got off on intent. He kept saying intent needed to be found and there was none to be found. That has always been the job of the tryer of fact, the jury. In any other crime like this when one is investigated and found to have been in violation of the law, they would be indited and tried before a jury.

I smell shit.
Hillary got off on intent. He kept saying intent needed to be found and there was none to be found. That has always been the job of the tryer of fact, the jury. In any other crime like this when one is investigated and found to have been in violation of the law, they would be indited and tried before a jury.

I smell shit.

the shit is your own, fake lawyer.

it's over. stop crying.
I am going to say the republicans are going just look for anything that will allow mr rear end of cow (tuh rump) to gain rapport with the stupid voters. Which can be used to further manipulate them into voting for the rear end of cow.

Sales Wisdom: 1.You won't sell anything until you get rapport with the other person. Rapport is a state of emotional bonding, where they are aligned with you and vice versa. When you move, if you are in rapport, they will move too. 2. You don't sell products, benefits or solutions--you sell feelings. (From the “Trump University” Playbook found on page 100)
If you are capable...treat election campaigns as you would a sales pitch.

An example of trying to build rapport...
“I want you to imagine how much better our future can be if we declare independence from the elites who've led us to one financial and foreign policy disaster after another.” Trump's recent sermon in Pittsburgh.

This is a fantasy because...the U.S. has to abolish the Federal Reserve to declare independence from the “Elite” however Trump won't do that because part of his financial standing depends on the Federal Reserve's existence. The last time a U.S. president tried to remove the Federal Reserve he did so with an executive order and was later assassinated.
I am going to say the republicans are going just look for anything that will allow mr rear end of cow (tuh rump) to gain rapport with the stupid voters. Which can be used to further manipulate them into voting for the rear end of cow.

If you are capable...treat election campaigns as you would a sales pitch.

An example of trying to build rapport...

This is a fantasy because...the U.S. has to abolish the Federal Reserve to declare independence from the “Elite” however Trump won't do that because part of his financial standing depends on the Federal Reserve's existence. The last time a U.S. president tried to remove the Federal Reserve he did so with an executive order and was later assassinated.

Trump has publicly stated he would audit the fed. Only he and rand Paul had that position I believe. I actually do like trumps economics. Much more like Bernie than Hillary is. Also trump doesn't use the fed, only people who use the fed to borrow are banks, like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, who coincidentally give all their donations to Hillary and Jeb bush.

I dislike trump because as a farmer, I respect the hell out of Mexicans. We wouldn't farm crap here in Cali without their help. And id take one good hard working person from Mexico over 3, sorry to say, lazy Bay Area American kids any day. And I am a white American, jusf being honest.