Help changing light schedule

Hi guys,
Sorry it may sound like s sick question, but i couldn't find answers by google it.

I will switch to 12/12 next week, can i change the lights time , by giving them 12 hrs of darkness at beginning, in order to change the lights on period? It will hurt the plants giving them a new "sunrise"?

It will help me a lot to manage watering and other things.

U actually change the light cycle?
Asking coz of heat trouble
yea i meant like not every single day but due to heat/humidity issues that i can't fix unless i run AC and a dehumidifier i run my lights in the coolest parts of the day which is night time in 12/12 and even in veg. humidity doesn't really change all that much at night here but lately it's been humid as shit this summer. i suppliment with Silicone as well instead of Co2