Help! Can't figure out the problem with my plants


Hello! So I've been struggling to fix some sort of nutrient deficiency ( I think ) in my outdoor grow. Currently most of the plants are around 1mo since pop. One of them is 2 months from pop. They all seem to be exhibiting the same issue.

2) Growing indoor or outdoors: Outdoors
3) Watering schedule: Once every week and a half or two weeks
4) Growing Medium: Fox Farm Soil
5) What stage of growth Veg

The plants looked great until about a month in. It started off as light brown spots on the oldest leaves which then turned into yellowing, and eventually a crispy black leaf that just disintegrates. I use distilled water with dyna-grow foliage pro as a base nutrient mix. Since the issue has started I thought it may have been a calcium or mg deficiency so i picked up some cal-mag and have started to mix that in. It does not seem to have had any effect so far. I've also added more nitrogen, as well as mixed some epsom salts up in warm water and sprayed on the underside of the leaves. Nothing seems to be helping and the plants continue to worsen. I use an electric PH meter, and then sometimes I double check it with the old fashioned test with water in a tube. PH is consistently kept in the 6.3-6.6 range. Interesting enough I planted 2 of the plants in a soil that I mixed using pro-mix, worm castings, bone meal, blood meal, perlite, they seem to be very healthy and completely green.


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The one in the blue pot needs a transplant. The rust spots are from the plant not getting cal. It also looks as if you have a phosphorus deficiency.
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The one in the blue pot needs a transplant. The rust spots are from the plant not getting cal. It also looks as if you have a phosphorus deficiency.

I've recently started to use cal mag in my feelings. Shouldn't that correct the cal deficiency?
The plants seem to continue to worsen. Not sure what to do and I feel as if I'm running out of time.
The plants seem to continue to worsen. Not sure what to do and I feel as if I'm running out of time.
Your not running out of time. Cal and mag are simi mobile, so it takes a few weeks for the problem to show its self, and will take a few weeks to recover. In the meantime, don't over water them, let your pots dry out almost all the way. This could push them up to 5-6 days without needing water. As long as they are not starting to droop, they are fine.