HELP! Can this plant be saved?


Active Member
This was my first plant, and I was lucky enough for it to be a female. I was growing it outdoors, and only took it inside on the days that the landscapers came. My plant was in the flowering stage with white pistils all over the place. Well, my dogs got to it on the ONE day it was in the house, and they ate EVERYTHING! All the leaves are gone, and most of the branches are gone. The main branch is still left standing, along with one or two branches coming off of that. Will this plant regrow leaves and later pistils, or should I just throw it out and take my dogs to the shelter? Just kidding, would never get rid of the dogs, but they pissed me off big time!!

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
are all leaves gone? even so the ganja plant is quite strong, well its a weed afterall, it might with enuf light repair and grow new branches and leaves.


Well-Known Member
you got a shot i cracked a main stem before only leaving two branches and it grew back turned out to be a male though. Good luck.