Help! Can somebody tell me what's wrong with my stem?


Active Member
My plants are growing well but I noticed this at the base of my plant and some orangish looking spots on my rockwool, what in swags name is it?stemrot.jpg


Well-Known Member
you should put a pic of the whole plant and pot as well

is this new? could be a fungus


Well-Known Member
What kind of system are you using? Are these just RW cubes sitting on top of a flood table? Why does the top of the cube seem wet?


Well-Known Member
How high up the cube are you watering? It seems to me like there's too much moisture on the top of your cubes.

I have never dealt with fungis or stem rot, but I assume it has to do with too much moisture up on top of the cube. There's no roots up there, why the water? Are you flooding the ENTIRE cube?


Active Member
actually i have roots sprouting out of the top, but thats beside the point...maybe u are right! I'll cut down on the level...but how do i treat the current fungus?

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Chestnut compound is an old favorite. Minimize water for a bit. But seriously. Chestnut compound, and maybe some neem or serenade all over just in case.