Help!!! Burned Plant!!!


Active Member
so this morning i wake up to find that one of my light fixtures fell on a plant and burned the F*** out of it. needless to say i am more than sad... and just plain angry at the world.

i want to know if there is any way in saving the plant. the stem is still in good shape up to those little clover shaped leaves. would leaves grow back? do i need to do something special to the plant? or should i give up hope? :-?


New Member
MJ is a weed and a very tough one at that. Just raise the light off the plant (hee, hee, like you haven't yet) and let the plant recover. If you've broken any branches, just let them recover on their own. As long as they are not cut through, they will form a tough node at the break and be fine.



Active Member
I went away for a weekend and the same thing happened to me.... I trimed off the burns and just let the plant do its thang !! It was a minor set back compared to the final outcome. It forced me to prune and boy did I learn a thing or two about that. It's like the plant double in size cuz of the pruning at the'll be fine...


New Member
There is a tecnique called "Super Cropping." The branches and main stalk are bent over when the grower runs out of headroom. With the bend, the branches and stalk are actually broken over to a 90 degree angle to form a lower canope. Tough nodes are formed where the breaks were. The buds start to grow toward the light and production is increased.



Active Member
well i'll have to let you guys know if my plant works out for the better... and thanks for lifting my spirits... i thought the plant was toast.


Active Member
i didnt take any pictures of the burned plant... but i can give a before and after picture. i just need to get my camera back from my friend tonight. keep in mind though that the entire plant (which was the size of my huge hand) burned to the size of a bottle cap. i'll post the pics later tonight.


Active Member
my plant just got burnt a lil too it was my top leaves i cut it off at the stem a half inch below the leaves.... did i make a mistake
Hey, I m new to the forum so hi! Anywho, I also just went out of town and my plant grew more than I planned and grew into my CFL and burnt the whole top cola and leaf set. I cut them off, and am about 2 weeks into very small flowers, should I do anything different?