Help! Budrot?


Well-Known Member
heres a pic i took last night, i smoked some of this plant cuz i cut a branch off a few days ago, and it was surprisingly pretty dank, even for being almost 2 weeks premature i still got a really good high from it, so im thinkin of just choppin it once the coco dries up.



Well-Known Member
yeah... might as well..... really wasn't a whole lot you could do once it got as bad as it was in the first pic.... eh, shit happens right???


Well-Known Member
yea shit does happen,i learned my lesson, pay way more attention next grow, and grow only one strain, not 22, cuz its hard keeping track of every plants reactions to the nutes/water. so id rather jus have it be one strain with like 30-60 plants


Well-Known Member
yea shit does happen,i learned my lesson, pay way more attention next grow, and grow only one strain, not 22, cuz its hard keeping track of every plants reactions to the nutes/water. so id rather jus have it be one strain with like 30-60 plants

I try to have three or four strains going at the same time.... and switch up from time to time what strains they are.... its like playing musical strains.... lol....:peace:


Well-Known Member
you didnt water it and it died! duh...:roll: or you dont clean your grow room enough you dirty dirty stoner (jk)


Well-Known Member
hahah thanks for no help endogrowa, if u saw my room, it would make you think twice about your stupid reply.