Help! Brown spots!


Well-Known Member
That plant has never been happy and always abused. This didn't happen overnight bro and it looks like the medium, what is it? is there any soil in it? looks like driveway woodchips.


Active Member
yeah, what's your soil made of?

do you let the water splash the plant when you administer it?

...that does look like a lot of wood chips....
That plant has never been happy and always abused. This didn't happen overnight bro and it looks like the medium, what is it? is there any soil in it? looks like driveway woodchips.
Ya man it looks like she's needed a bit more attention during her lifetime :/ It happens though....also this looks like it might be rejecting the transplant, when did she get repotted?

yeah, what's your soil made of?

do you let the water splash the plant when you administer it?

...that does look like a lot of wood chips....
Another good point..why the wood chips lol


Active Member
This was transplanted after about 3 days of being sprouted and the soil was a mistake.
It was all I had at the time.
Should I just throw it out?


Active Member
hell no, go get some decent soil, perlite, and vermiculite... mix it up and give her a new home!!

might take a few days to bounce back... keep watering down to every 3 days or so..

I have a feeling that you're in for a few surprises....growing is a LOT harder than it may seem....

MaryJane is A VERY particular lady....