Help...brown dots on my 6 week old plant...PICS


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My ph and ppm are fine..
What is wrong with it.. its been on this state for about 4 days now.

Other than ph and ppm, the water temperature is pretty high about 76 degrees in DWC.


my room temperature is 81, and reservoir is bit high about 76, but i don't think that is a big problem as of yet since my other plants are growing fine under that condition. Otherwise if someone strongly suggests me to lower it.

Something is definitely going wrong down there. I am constantly adding h202 everyday to see if it will fix the problem.

My roots do look a bit brownish.

Anymore suggestion will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro
Exactly it Cal/mag def .... u can buy and add to your water it will be stop and going to green leafs ...


Well-Known Member
im just curious if your using organics or chemical based nutes.

if your organic, Neved is 100% right, you need to add some cal/mag to the mix. maybe 15ml per gallon of water?

if your not using organics, i have seen chemical nute burn that looked slightly similar to the pics you have, but couldnt say for sure without seeing more.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
first off what are your ph n ppm? second do u have an air pump (just makin sure seen people without one). third i would lay off the h202 just because it may have other stufffin it an messing with ur plant. but if i had to venture a guess i would say i had that same problem lol had ideas of what was wrong. like cal mag deff, ph problem, also misting while the light was on. after i cloned her again then remothered it, it had the problem for a min but looks great now. sorry i couldnt help more but good luck and have a growtastic day. and keep us posted


Well-Known Member
I got h2o2 burn before it looks like that... Either its that or Calcium

^^ Thats a calcium def and thats looks like what you got.
I agree with palm, what are your PH ranges? What do you ph your solution to when you mix a new batch and
what ph do you let it swing too?

You say your roots are brown? Is this from the Nutrients or poor health?
You get some root staining from nutrients you know like GH micro.

Dont add H2O2 so vigorously, H2O2 Takes a few days to dissipate completely so in fact if your adding everyday... your going to get a really high levels of H2O2 that's going
to do more harm than good!

Before you go changing something on a whim, give us some scientific fact that we can figure out what this problem is.
Too many people just come into forms and claim something by the way it looks and its completely wrong.

So if your PH and PPM is exact, what is it? (It would be better if you told us what EC it is.)
What nutrients are you useing?
Are you using anything else besides H2O2 as an Additive?
How old are your plants?

If you want to keep your rez temps down nice and cool use frozen bottles like 1lt or 2lt...
I keep my mothers in a 4 bucket Rdwc, and I use a 2Lt bottle.

But anyways i'm rambling, get me some info! We will get to the end of this!


Alright Alright, thx for you guys help i got one plant fixed, I added more Cal mag into the system and the plant is growing healthy again.
One question, will already damaged leaf contribute to poor yield and potency?


My other plant, the severely destroyed one stands on 1.33 EC and PH of 5.81, its now into 6 week of growing. I added more cal mag but i hasn't been growing for a week now..So I just dumped out the nutrient water and on top of that added RO water, EC now standing on .84. This kid is really stressed out. I am even considering just killing this plant, but let see what you guys can do :)

My nutrients are Sensi Grow, and Cal Mag.

Thats all the info thx again for help guys.


Also my other plant, bubble gum, 6 weeks old, hasn't been drinking nute for 3 days now. And it is having chocolate brown spot, and the leaves bottom fan leaves are curling up.
What should i do? I lowered .96 EC to .79 EC see if that helps. A day has passed but it does not seem to recover, although a new white root is growing.


i have heard the sensi VEG is good but i dont know too much about their flower. it deff looked like calmag. i had the same probably a couple weeks ago and i thought it was downhill, but it actually looks like they are going to be pretty damn good, 30 days in, and they look bulky.


one thing i found out, I think i also got those from adding too much h202, i've been adding it everyday for the last 3 days. But it did more harm that good...
How can I save my plant from the burn???