Help! Branches are falling in 5 gallon buckets.

My branches are starting to fall in my 5 gallon buckets. Any ideas of best/easiest way to help support them. Don't want to lose my meds.


Active Member
Take some twine and very gently tie the branches to the main stalk, point them upward toward the light . I do this when I don't trim my bottoms when I get lazy. :P


Well-Known Member
stake it with a tall enough bamboo shoot, use gardeners twist ties and dont tie them tight you want some room for them to grow and not get strangeled.


Active Member
Bamboo; pick up a bundle for dirt cheap at any local nursery. I'm lucky enough to grow my own bamboo (don't worry, I'm not neurotic enough to grow bamboo solely for this purpose - I just like it). Yesterday I had to spray a plant for powder mildew :-( and she started listing severely. I panicked for a second and my girl said, " have, like, a whole bamboo forest, man - stake her up!" What can I say? Stupid simple.
Thanks for all the advise! I just found a sweet new thing from branch buddys its a bucket strap that holds up the support rods on the outside of the buckets. So no root damage!! Got some on the way. Ill post how well they work if anyone is interested.