Help Big SpiderMite PROBLEM.....


Well-Known Member
I have a large 35 plant grow going. They are around 3 feet tall ready to switch to flower. I have a big two spot spider mite problem. A couple plants have some webs on the underside of them. I have sprayed the undersides with Neem Oil 2 times over the last 4 days and havent seen any improvement. I need to know is there an easy way to get rid of them quickly so i can switch them over?


Well-Known Member
damn i used to use this shit that was awesome, give me some time to think of what it was called and ill let you no cuz it was bombbbbb


Well-Known Member
yikes, i hate spidermites, i think there are a few threads on here w/ppl's suggestions


Well-Known Member
try Neem oil, it helped me with my spidermite problem, they were gone in 4 - 7 days.

Formulations made of Neem oil also find wide usage as a bio-pesticide for organic farming, as it repels a wide variety of pests including the mealy bug, beet armyworm, aphids, the cabbage worm, nematodes and the Japanese beetle. Neem Oil is not known to be harmful to mammals and birds as well as many beneficial insects such as honeybees and ladybugs. It can be used as a household pesticide for ant, bedbug, cockroach, housefly, sand fly, snail, termite and mosquitoes both as repellent and larvicide (Puri 1999). Neem oil also controls black spot, powdery mildew, anthracnose and rust (fungus).
For use as a bio-pesticide, pure Neem oil should be diluted at the rate of 1 teaspoon per quart, or 4 teaspoons per gallon of water (metric: 5.2 millilitres per litre). Adding a surfactant greatly enhances its effectiveness.



Well-Known Member
You need pyrethrum based bug bombs. Your grow is far too large to ever get anywhere spraying neem oil as you now see.

There is no better option and easy as pie. You can't do it in full flower so get em now and fog those little fuckers. I would fog TWICE once immediately and once again in 7 days when eggs hatch.

You probably won't completely get rid of all of them with those two bomb sessions, but you'll completely devastate them enough to make them a non issue for this grow session.


Well-Known Member
western red or brown spotted mites? It matters. I am not sold on organics but these new miticides could be quite dangerous especially in proximity of other chemicals.
The pytherim will work most the time it is safe. You must be consistent or you will have pytherim resistant mites.


Well-Known Member
Get 4-5 chili peppers any of the hot ones will work, soak them for a few days in water put in in a pump sprayer mist your plants be sure to do the under side of the leafs as well as the soil. That should get rid of the little bastards.. HTH


Well-Known Member
I ordered 3 cans of Doktor Doom today. I figured I will hit them 3 times with it. An suggestions to a game plan with these? I really want to switch these over to flower but i understand the need to wait. And they are the two spotted veriety.