Help!! - big bang auto greenhouse seed - leaf discolouration

Hi all I have this morning found some leaves on my Big Bang Auto and hope someone can enlighten me as to the problem.

Here is my set up:

Coco - with Canna A+B, Rhizotonic, Cannazyme.

The air temperature is between 22 - 28'c
The pH is 6.4

RH - 45%

Any help will be much appreciated - as there are other plants which are fed from the same reservoir and they seem okay!


Active Member
If you are growing in coco and feeding at pH 6.4 then you probably have a lockout there. pH 5.8 - 6.2 is the ideal range for coco growing.

Have you checked the underside of the leaves for spider mites?
Yeah no mites from my checking but I did find some of the leaves below precipitating. Almost sweating - Think this could be it? Or perhaps from foliar feeding?
