HELP? BHO purging methods needed


hey im making some BHO soon well as soon as the butane arrives im using about 3oz of trim from northen lights plants not sure how much oil i will get but the question is whats the best way i can purge this stuff without a vaccum. Ive made it couple times before but only little bits and i feel like im doing it wrong can anyone give me some advice please.


Active Member
You can purge the oil without a vacuum the only other way I know how to get rid of the butane is whipping it... But I would recommend getting a hand pump and a mason jar to start out with it's what I use and I get some amazing results


thanks man where can you get these hand pumps didnt even know you could get them also what do you guys think about using isopropyl do you think it would be an easier method not really got alot of experience in concentrates made a couple of small batches of bho before it turned out ok was like a dark amber shatter once i scraped it up was a nice smoke :bigjoint:


Active Member
I bought my pump at Harbor Freight for like 25 bucks... I can't get it to a full 30hg like with an electric pump but I still got the oil to wax up... About the rubbing alcohol method I have never tried it but I have seen the results and was not impressed with the black tar that was suppose to be "hash oil"... If you have any questions feel free to ask


New Member
Mighty vac makes a plastic one and a metal one. While the metal one is 3 times more than the plastic one, it will last a lifetime. The plastic one on the other hand will last 4-5 small runs before the handle breaks off.


Active Member
First off, always purge BHO in a negative pressure environment. Like White rooster said you can whip it, but Ive been finding that people dont like whipped as much as the light Golden Amber slightly clear stuff (just aesthetically). IMO if its not purged in a negative pressure environment it is NOT DONE RIGHT. Go to NAPA or VIP and buy a brake bleeder kit for like <$20 and fit it to a mason jar, thats all you really need.


Well-Known Member
so ive been oblivious to this brake pump method of purging, i usually collect my oil from my pyrex and purge in a concentrate dish.
so how does it work? from the videos ive seen, its pretty much fitting the pump to a mason jar, then having the brakepump sucking out any butane left over from your oil. is that the right idea? is it worth the trouble? i only make 4 gram batches at a time(1/4-1/2 oz), i got a small tube extractor.


Active Member
The whipping method is not the way to go, because it adds impurities to your extract as a result of aerosols sticking to the extract, among other reasons. Until the extract has been purged and solidified you want to avoid having it in the open atmosphere unless you are in a completely sterile room with no aerosols which is not available to most people.


Active Member
The whipping method is not the way to go, because it adds impurities to your extract as a result of aerosols sticking to the extract, among other reasons. Until the extract has been purged and solidified you want to avoid having it in the open atmosphere unless you are in a completely sterile room with no aerosols which is not available to most people.
bla bla bla please link some proof


Active Member
Proof? Go google it yourself, I am not your bitch. Try aerosols first. Obviously anything hanging in the air will stick to the extract thus adding impurities. Heavy metals included.

so u r saying that if i leave a piece of silk screen over a pirex to keep impurities out wait 24 hrs vacuum then whip i am still whipping gases??


Active Member
so u r saying that if i leave a piece of silk screen over a pirex to keep impurities out wait 24 hrs vacuum then whip i am still whipping gases??
No, I am saying not to whip at all, to use the vacuum purge method, and to keep the extract out of the open atmosphere as much as possible if you are trying to maintain the utmost highest purity of your extract.


Active Member
No, I am saying not to whip at all, to use the vacuum purge method, and to keep the extract out of the open atmosphere as much as possible if you are trying to maintain the utmost highest purity of your extract.

too bad i like solid shit better than runny goop or shatter so to each his own

my shit has been to multiple labs never came back with gases or impurities