HELP!!! Beginning of Week 6 of Flowering


Well-Known Member
On Day 38 I thought swelling was beginning but I have not seen much growth since then.
Is this the time for swelling or do I have a week or so until then.
When the swelling process begins is the process long and slow or when it starts they swell like crazy until the end?
For the last several days I haven't notice any growth or hair production, she has been the same for days. Could something be wrong or is this apart of the process before swelling?

PS I will post pics later if needed.


Well-Known Member
mine always did the most the last 2 weeks before harvest ... relax you have lots of time depending on the strain

happy growin


Well-Known Member
The calyx will swell the last two weeks of the plants reproductive cycle, think of it like menopause for plants. If the plant has not been fertilized these sex organs will swell into what looks like false seed bracts, adding size, density and increased resin production, peace.


Well-Known Member
People are gonna argue this but I give my plants 1 24 hour cycle of light at week 5 and it definately kicks up the growth. I have done it for several grows and have had nothing but success with it.


Well-Known Member
So whenever this swelling occurs it is quite obvious and once that begins I will know I have two weeks until harvest?
How much more will they get? Double, Triple?
Is there a period before that where everything slows down? I haven't noticed much difference in the plant for nearly a week?

Thanks for the info guys, I really appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
You'll notice subtle changes in the calyxes and the overall resin "shine" , its not as noticeable when folks like me just stare at em constantly. Lol...have u considered using a ripening/finishing nutes like Koolbloom or anything of that sort with a very high P & K ratio?? I use koolbloom and love it, lm sure there's others that are just as good but I notice a big difference using it!!!


Well-Known Member
You'll notice subtle changes in the calyxes and the overall resin "shine" , its not as noticeable when folks like me just stare at em constantly. Lol...have u considered using a ripening/finishing nutes like Koolbloom or anything of that sort with a very high P & K ratio?? I use koolbloom and love it, lm sure there's others that are just as good but I notice a big difference using it!!!
I haven't used any nutes on these girls at all! Well, once in early veg. I used plant feed with a high N since it was vegging, and I fucked them all up with nute burn!
I have been afraid to add anything ever since, so I just water them as needed and let them do their own thing.

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After....Way After!
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