HELP! Balls??


Well-Known Member
im trippin!! and i think there are balls on my plant but im not sure i dont have a good enough camera to take a picture of it because there so small but i drew a little diagram

im on 10th day of flowering and these little tiny balls are popping up in between the preflowers and the actual flower itself are these male balls? or are they just the flowers developing? ive seen plenty of male flowers in my day and there not really balls more like a beak shape or cone -ish shape am i just trippin or do i have a hermie on my hands? ireally hope i didnt fuck up again help?

usually when u have a hermie the male flowers and female are seperate is this intersexed?

thx for your help guys



Well-Known Member
Calm down. A male plant is not the end of the world. You just have to ask yourself a question. Do you want more seeds of the strain you are growing?

Yes = Leave the male alone
No = Get rid of it.

If that is your only plant then start all over.


Well-Known Member
well its not a male Obviously or i wouldnt have flowers all over it my question was is it a hermie or is it intersexed or female

any way it looks like a false alarm i found the same thing only more matured on the the cola's top flower and its not a ball its like a spongey ballish thing with what looks like stipules encasing it

any ideas>?
