HELP! ASAP! couple serious questions!!!

ok i'm helping a friend out and the table in the flowering room was put in about a week ago, well alot of the plants don't have preflowers and i believe they went from 24/7 1000wMH to 12/12 1000w HPS WITHOUT the 12 hour dark period first. so suggestions please, should everything go back into 24/7 to go back into veg or 18/6 to go back into veg and to pull the pistils outta the ones that are not showing before they go back into 12/12? also, the veg room is on 24/7 should it go to 18/6? when you go from either do you still do the 12 hour blackout?


Active Member
Keep them on 12/12 to induce flowering. Shouldnt make a difference wheter they had 24/7 or 18/6 in veg. To force flowering they need 12 hrs of un interupted darkness. It can take up to 2 wks for pre flowers to show.
so if they were put into the 12/12 w/o the dark period what do you think? last batch hermied and i think that might be a cause.
its fine my dude you can make them flower just switching to 12/12 ---12 light---12 dark-----everything will go great just make sure to check Ph and do not over nutrient. good luck my dude


Well-Known Member
last batch hermied and i think that might be a cause.

most laughable thing ive heard.

it was genetics, or something else (like a constant external light leak). in fact i fail to find anything wrong with what yous did in switching them over? I dont see any problems.