Help an auto brother in his time of need <3


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High all :weed:
I've been trying my best with these beautiful plants but I'm a little stuck at the moment.
The one I am most concerned about is my Pyramid Purple Auto which is in the photos attached.
They're planted in Canna Terra Pro with 30% added perlite.
I used a soil PH meter ($11 "gardman" from a hardware store not sure how good it is) and got 5.9ish PH.
It's one of those meters you just stick into the soil like a pen.

I identified the yellowing bottom leaves as a nitrogen deficiency and sprinkled 3 table spoons of blood and bone into the top inch of soil and watered it in well. That was about 4 days ago

I have a 600W HPS light running 24/0. It was about 15 inches above the plants, but I moved it today to around 24 inches in case the problem is to do with excess light.
The temps are fine though, at 15 inches I was able to put my hand over the top of the canopy indefinitely.

They're in 7 litre pots, 1.8 gallons I believe.
I water them about once every two days on average until about 3/4 cup of water comes out the bottom.. I go by weight of the pots and water them when they're quite light.

There is an osculating room fan running around 9 inches away from the sides of the plants. I think it's been doing good because the stems are really thick from the "wind".

I'm just concerned about how crazy the angles of the stems are growing around the middle of the plant.
Also, there are some white spots on lower leaves which are not powdery so it isn't powdery mildew.

I haven't added any nutes apart from the blood and bone.
My baby is 24 days old and is expected to be harvested at 80 days!

So... any ideas, friends?

PS, should i cut those yellow fan leaves off?Baby (1).jpg Baby (2).jpg


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    stems bending downwards.jpg
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I'm not sure why the first two photos are there and not with the other attacheds! But check out the attached "stems bending downwards" for a better pic of the main problem
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Underwatering? shit I'll water them more often.
The heat should be taken care of now.
Thanks for your input
Seems to be getting a lot better.
I trimmed the yellow leaves off because they were dead and crispy anyway.
Hopefully should push some of those good old nutrients up to the bud sites
Have been watering about 1L every 36 hours now and she seems happy
Seems to be getting a lot better.
I trimmed the yellow leaves off because they were dead and crispy anyway.
Hopefully should push some of those good old nutrients up to the bud sites
Have been watering about 1L every 36 hours now and she seems happy
Be careful to not water too much. You will get better at reading the plant and knowing what it needs. Good luck.