mr ashman

Ok so im not a newbie but got a question and thought this would be the best place to ask.
So im on day 27 of flowering (details in my grow journal) and the lights were meant to go on last night at 10pm except they didnt and i didnt find out til 6.30am today so they have had nearly 24 hrs without light halfway through im wondering what detrimental affect this could have or will they be ok ive never had this situation in a grow before so just need a bit of advise thanks in advance
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Well-Known Member
A couple of years ago I had the exact same situation. As soon as I found out I got a new timer (the old one was defective), reset it, and all was well. Don't stress. Now, lights coming ON in the middle of your dark cycle might be a different story...

mr ashman

Ok thx guys so what would be your suggestion to get my lights back on in the night time ive had to put them.on today at 6.30am but ideally need them to be back on at 10pm any ideas that wont screw them up

mr ashman

So you think its ok to turn them off at 6.30pm today so they get their 12hrs then leave lights off til 10pm tomorrow night and turn them on to put them back to the schedule