Help a noob?


Active Member
I never bought weed until now because I always got sparked by my friends. So today I bought 3.5 grams and I'm kinda iffy on it, can anyone help me double check this? (that's a quarter)


Well-Known Member
qyeah poorly trimmed lol , is it dense,,, first pothead rule , go buy a cheap scale... from a 420 shop or hydro store


Well-Known Member
yeah you can get a cheap postal scale at office depot or office max for like $2...they suck tho, but give you a good ballpark weight


Active Member
I do not know what you mean by dense and wtf poorly trimmed? Holy shit, my world is spinning xD all I want is to get high! Thanks a lot though :D you've helped me a lot. But yea, does this look like at least 3.5 grams? Cause if not I'm gunna need a new dealer.


Well-Known Member
yeah it looks legit in the weight dept...its hard to tell because it looks a lil compressed.

c'mon man you dont know what "dense" means??

and when he said "poorly trimmed" he just meant when they cut the buds off the plant they did a poor job of trimming off the excess leaves, and other crap you dont want to smoke.


Active Member
My bad my bad D:
I'm sorry, I'm a girl so I always get sparked up. I never have to do anything like rolling or even grinding, I just watch and smoke it when it's ready. You don't have to answer this next question if you don't want to but uhm, the I get rid of them when I grind it?


Active Member
looks like it could be a qtr...some schwag tho..
I think when he said it's a quarter he was referring to the coin (american 25c piece) he used for scale in the photo. He stated he bought 3.5grams which is closer to an eighth than a 1/4 oz.

2Tokes- I don't get what you're askin? The guy you bought it off told you its 3.5 grams and you wanna know if it is or not? Cause thats kinda hard from pics, shit could be real compact and chop out heaps.

If you wanna check weight your gonna have to grab some decent scales.