Help a newbie


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, im new to the growing scene. Im wanting to grow a couple of plants and have a couple of questions.

. Can i use posts to grow outside? As i have a small balcony out of view and in the sunlight. I also have a garden, however they wouldnt be in direct sunlight for all of the day, shadowed by trees ect (and im in the uk :/).What would be better for the plants?

. They are going to be outside, apart from the obvious things like i dnt want
it outside in storm conditions. If rain gets over the buds will it wash the thc off? :? Bugs ects.. what do i do about them?

. Do i water them with PH water?

. Shall i plant them in compost?

Sorry for all the questions :roll: But i think thats all i need to know(ish) to start growing a couple of plants.

Any repsopnse and info appriciated.

Of all that, all I know is that rain will not wash the thc off. A lot of people water cure their buds purposely so this is definitely a NO.
welcome to the forum ginger. Soo.. all you want to know is everything you need to know to grow a couple of plants on your balcony or in your garden, that pretty much cover it?
You are in luck, you came to the right forum. Everything you need to know to grow a couiple of plants outside is available in this forum. You can click on FAQ in the upper left hand corner and check out the posts there. COnsideration should be given to how tall your plants may get sitting on the balcony in the sun all day, they will veg like crazy, so choose your seeds wisely. Read a couple of psots on germinating seeds, plan on transplanting at least once, for good early root development. When you transplant, I would suggest at least 3 gallon pots, maybe 5 gallon if the strain you choose gets real tall. You can use compost, make sure it has been sterilized, and consider an amendment for good drainage. Ph water will be helpful for your plants, some say and I agree it is necessary for maximum yield. Read a lot.
When you decide how many plants to put in, keep in mind that half of them, on average will be male. VV
Hi Gingerbeer

Yes you can grow your plants in a pot outside. Make sure they have good drainage and as much sunlight as possible. Let mother nature water them when she wants and give them some plant food to help them along. Give them nutrients that you add to water. As for bugs I dont have any experience at that.