Help a Newb!! Male or Female?


Well-Known Member
koolies. me and my friends were given some seeds and we sprouted 2 of them. we have stuk them in 30 litre pots. we live in australia so we use the sun as our lighting. our stems are about 1.5cm long. is that ok?
If you are growing outside, just make sure they get alot of sunlight atleast 12 to 14 hrs a day and the rest is just adding water and nutes when ever needed. Mother earth will do the rest hopefully


Active Member
what do you mean send. how do i end pics to people coz i have a shit load that you guys would love to see coz surprise i also do part time personal stripping at partys. NO IM NOT A PROSTITUTE


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies - it seems I will still have to wait a bit. I am anxious because I also have 4 clones from this plant that I'm hoping (obviously) will be female!

Here is a picture of the top growing bud of the plant - hopefully someone can get a better idea of it's sex from this? It's only been in 12/12 sched for about 2 weeks, and overall the plant is about 4 months old.

Variety is a Maroc X Skunk #1 I believe.

Also, QT you may want to think twice about using an actual pic of yourself (and your friends) on a bud growing forum! Not to be paranoid, but why risk it for nothing but attention?



Active Member
Im sorry, but you have growned a little boy. That sucks :-/ Kill the fucker so he won't become a mother fucker.