Hey man I'm probably the newest member of this entire website. 2 inches is way too close for a cfl to a plant. EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE recommends keeping cfls anywhere from 2cm to 3-4in away.I keep my cfls approx. 7-8in above the top of the plants.
Alot of people on RIU should...You should try it
I got to man, Ive been gettin bashed on UB topping thread cause I missed a question and re asked it...people on their high horses here at RIUthanks for havin my back
ehh I just said screw it and found the info myself.As far as bashing. Tell em to f off in a nice way of corse
as previously stated...I agree completely. Its all about the right temps... which fans are the answer. My theory (from experience) is that when you drop the lights inside a tub The heat has really no way to escape except passively through the top. by blowing fans over the heat source to extract the heat. You are solving the problem and you can put your lights closer to the plants, Oh... i dont know... say around 2 inchesI just told him that anything much over 2" is a waste
i have lots of fun actuly just cut my girl down this mornin fuckin lookin amazinHey mark first of all, Im not trying to be a know it all second of all, the way I have my set up 2" is way too close for my plants and it was too close for his as well, instead of jumping in at the end of a post why dont you take the time to read the fucking thing and look at the guys pics. Now, if you wanna help the kid out, help him out but talking shit on a computer isn't gonna get you anywhere. Stop being so angry, smoke a bowl, and relax. Life's not that serious. Not everyone on here is trying to be the Jorge Jung of 2010. Some people are just having fun. You should try it.