Help - 5 Weeks old plant dying thanks to a heatwave!


Damn it! My plant is dying! :cry:

I think it's this freakin heatwave that's been killing it.
For that past week and a half (before I transplanted it) the bottom leave were getting dry and falling of but it wasn't too bad since new one were growing in a crazy rapid.
As of today all the leave are dropping and completely fallen, the plant looks so miserable. I don't know what to do..
The soil is still moist as I watered it only 6 hours ago (6 hours ago the plant looked fine, the leaves were a bit dry but fine).

- It's my first grow.
- The plant is an AK47 bagseed.
- I've been outdoor growing it for 5-6 weeks.
- I transplanted it about a week ago for the 1st time into a bigger medium.
- It ain't getting the proper treatment as it probably should: nutes or PH checkups.
- Water: I use tap-water that's been sitting for at least 24 hours everyday (cause of the extreme dry & hot climate).

- Temperature: 84.2/105.8 F (night/day).
- Humidity: 20%
- Sunrise: 5:00, Sunset: 6:30.

Anyways, guys please let me know what i can do?
I got the plant inside the house and turned on the AC and the fan in my room.
Is there any hope to rescue this plant or not?

Sorry I don't have photos, my camera is dead and my flatmate is gone with his camera.

I'll appreciate any form of help, consolations or anything else. I feel hopeless.


Active Member
you should really only water it every other day or maybe every third day. idk where you got your soil, but weed will damn near grow in anything... technically, it does matter and if you get your hands on a pH meter (lowes or home depot) check it, if not, fuck it.


Active Member
if id quit smoking so early, id have remembered to tell you to aim for somewhere in the 6.5 pH range for soil..


Active Member
make sure you dont blow the fan directly on the plant (windburn will fuck a plant up in a hurry) and get that poor baby some light. 100w cfl's (6500k-veg 2700k-flower) will work if not use t5s if you can. thats about all i can tell you without looking at them.


Thanks WTXgreenery.

I can't water the plant every other day cause it's so hot and dry out here.
Even though I watered the plant today by tomorrow the soil would be as dry as the desert.

The soil is a standard soil you can get from the florists.

The plant is grown outdoors so i don't use any lighting equipment.

Do you reckon the strain is indeed caused by the heatwave I mentioned in my initial post?
If so what treatment can I give the plant?

Cheers mate.


Okay try transplanting into a new clean pot with new soil(same soil you've used throughout!). use some nutes and less than half strength and water through soil. best of luck!/:peace:


Active Member
ok so you need to not over water. i know the heat wave and all but try to not over water... then also you may need a weak nute like maybe terra cycle ( worm poop) also make sure the plants isnt getting too cold in the ac


Active Member
oh, you said youd brought it inside.. i assumed that would be its permanent home. id stick it in a closet... if it must go outside, only use nutes every other watering and maybe try like 2 cups of water each watering. if its still not enough, use more.. in the time ive been growing, ive found that more often than not, IM the problem. i dont do anything in soil, its all hydro, but i have a little experience with soil. id suggest inside with the nice A/C and it can stay 70 degrees all day long.. plus you dont have to wait for nature to let it finish....


Active Member
outdoors.... there really is no cure for "hot as fuck"... thats why i like indoors... here in the north pole (for all intensive purposes) its been 105-110 degrees. My girls are not made to get that hot.. so they love the indoor life with all their fans and an AC


thanks guys for your thoughts. i'll try to re-transplanting it into new soil and water it less.

unfortunately i don't have the privilege to grow it indoors at the moment, i live in a dorms so it's kinda problematic this way.
the AC was just a temporary solution for that day only.

do you guys think? is it just impossible to grow it outdoors in this climate?
i mean 105F is pretty fuckin hot and i'm sure the dryness ain't helping either..

should i just give up for the meanwhile till the summer is over and wait till it would get a bit cooler and then start over fresh?


Well-Known Member
ya man outdoors will get you huge yeilds....5 mo. is where its at. i grown in like a porch that was turned into a bedroom, in that closet, and sometimes (because it used to be a porch) i feel at the mercy of nature gets super hot in that one room, and or super cold...but thats why we "intelligent folk" invented A/C's and wonders my friend.


Well-Known Member
you could even buy a 250w high bay fixture for like 60 bucks...get you started, and then you wont stop...promise.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing ur grow is outside? U can make sure the root zone is always cool and moist. Mulch. Shadecloth over the top will keep temps down a little. You can mist a lot to reduce transpiration. I can't think of anything else...peace


Well-Known Member
No dont water less, you know its not the watering killing it, its saving it. 2-3 waterings a day is fine at 105 and 20% rh, fuck the water evapourates in an hour. Bro i think your doing ok its just that AK47 cant handle those extreme growing conditions.


cheers guys, thanks for all your tips..
unfortunately i had to say farewell to my 6 weeks old plant.. :(
first time grow and unsuccessfully..
i reckon the climate conditions out here are just too rough for this plant at this time of year, even though it is just a weed..
i'll definitely try again in few months, after the summer that is..
anyways just wanted to thank you all, you've all been great help!

peace & love guys


Active Member
If you can get a hold of some ruderalis seeds, you'll be more than happy! They're waay more resistant to high/low temps and shouldn't have a problem with your climate. You'll also benefit from a shorter flower time :) That is, if you don't want to wait a couple more months.

Sorry to hear about your ak-47, mate. It will get better next time. You know what they say, any experience is better than no experience at all. Cheers!